I play men characters a lot of the time because the boobs armor trend annoys me. I always try to make them look very distinct from me irl though. I really like this new trend of making all armors gender neutral though (e.g BG3 and especially MH wilds, since the series had a long standing tradition of making some of the female armors really… Let’s say “not realistically functional as an armor”. In the new one they still have these versions but you are free to choose any of the 2 looks regardless of your character’s gender).
I play men characters a lot of the time because the boobs armor trend annoys me. I always try to make them look very distinct from me irl though. I really like this new trend of making all armors gender neutral though (e.g BG3 and especially MH wilds, since the series had a long standing tradition of making some of the female armors really… Let’s say “not realistically functional as an armor”. In the new one they still have these versions but you are free to choose any of the 2 looks regardless of your character’s gender).