For hours today, yesterday, and intermittently since I’ve been on here (a month or so) lemmy stops loading using jerboa, liftoff, and a web browser.

The site isn’t listed on any down detector I know of, and each app gives different errors but ultimately just won’t load.

It’s often enough that recently when I consider jumping on here I just don’t because there will probably be an issue. Ranging from not loading, JSON errors, or just blank screens and my comments not working…

What’s going on? Is there a status page for these places?

    2 years ago

    I got a few new people on my instance that specifically said they wanted a smaller instance while had issues.

    I think there are like 1100+ instances now. No reason to hang out on the largest one unless you absolutely have to.

    Once you have two or more accounts, it’s just a click in the mobile client (Jerboa, Liftoff etc) to switch profiles. Takes a second.

    You will have to set up your subscriptions to communities again though on a new account. That can be annoying but kind of worth it.