I think, the biggest issue is that Hamas channel was also giving info to Palestinians for important stuff that could save some Palestinians their lifes. That’s what Telegram owner said about why not blocking it.
“Telegram has taken an opposite approach. Durov even went as far as making the ridiculous claim that Hamas should be allowed to continue to post on Telegram as it uses the platform to warn Israelis ahead of attacks.” - https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/sjpbqgkba
A significant number of people won’t know how to (or even that they can) do that, so it’s restricting availability to only those who have the requisite knowledge. Even if there’s a workaround, it’s still essentially censorship for the un-tech savvy.
I mean the ban only works with play store versions of the app, so IMO it’s not such a big deal. Feel free to correct me if it is.
I think it still is a big deal that google is censoring so deeply what you should and shouldn’t see
I think, the biggest issue is that Hamas channel was also giving info to Palestinians for important stuff that could save some Palestinians their lifes. That’s what Telegram owner said about why not blocking it.
Well it’s literally terrorism that is being censored. I’m not defending what the IDF is doing, but the Hamas is nontheless a terrorist organisation.
A significant number of people won’t know how to (or even that they can) do that, so it’s restricting availability to only those who have the requisite knowledge. Even if there’s a workaround, it’s still essentially censorship for the un-tech savvy.