• potosi@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    OK, my point is that children can’t possibly feel that way because they dont know how the opposite gender feels like. At that age children shouldn’t be making life altering decisions that could mess up how your reproductive organs work. If they feel that way when they are adults I couldn’t care less, but it is not ok that people are messing with children’s minds with an ideology that can’t be proved scientifically. Gender ideology kills and mutilates children, not the opposite.

    • Lightor@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      They can’t? A boy can’t look at girls playing and be drawn to that. To feel more natural presenting as a woman? Because they %100 can.

      A child that age shouldn’t be making life altering decisions? At what and what decisions. No one is saying a 6 year old needs a sex change.

      But you’re right, they shouldn’t be pressured into viewing the world a certain way at a young age and they don’t know better. So I can only assume you’re against teaching children about religion. I mean that can have a life long impact and they’re too young to know what to believe.

      Again, no one is trying to change the sex of a child. But if a 12 year old boy wants to wear a dress, he should be able to. It doesn’t harm anyone except by way of bigots attacking him for his choices.

      Also I love how you say it can’t be proved. Even though you can see suicide rates lower amongst LGBT in areas where they are accepted. And I hate to break it to you, but being queer or trans isn’t a choice. You suppressing the way your child feels doesn’t change how he identifies. They will just feel more alone and depressed. This leads to the suicide I mentioned.

      I lived in Utah, I know what it looks like to see people repressed, depressed, and suicidal. I’ve seen first hand the damage your mindset does.