• prole@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Anti-LGBTQ+ people have shifted (back, this isn’t new) to arguing that any exposure to anybody or anything that isn’t completely hetero-normative, to be “child abuse”. The internet is one of the few things many children in particularly backwards states (looking at you Florida and Texas) still have that can show them the truth/reality about gender and sexuality. So naturally, conservatives are desperately looking for ways to stop that.

    Meanwhile, the blatant, real sexual abuse and grooming of children is mainly happening in the church and in the home. There’s a reason these parents don’t want their children understanding the very very basics of sexuality, their bodies, and what is right/wrong when it comes to adults touching them. And it ain’t because they care about their wellbeing.

    A kid can’t rat you out if they don’t know the word for what you’re doing, or that it’s even wrong in the first place. How convenient for them.

    • davehtaylor@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      This is exactly it right here. It’s part of the continuing effort to eradicate queer people from public life and to ban any and all discussion of topics that aren’t strictly cishet.

    • Evergreen5970@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      It’s kind of hard to believe that all people trying to censor LGBTQ+ and basic sex ed are doing it with the nefarious intent of making sure child abuse is easier. I do not assume my garden-variety homophobe who wants it censored in schools as well as basic sex ed is also a pedophile. It’s part of it for some of them, yes. But for the rest, it’s just that most won’t care that deprivation of sex ed also means making it harder to report pedophiles, because they think learning the truth about sex is a more dangerous and realistic harm because something something degenerate lifestyle. And they might also blame a child victim for being too sexual, because bad things only happen to bad people so of course the child did something to bring it on themselves, and of course their child would never do something like that so no need to worry about pedophilia. But they’re not pedophiles themselves.

      • prole@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        It may not be the knowing intention of all of the “normal” people, but it is (one of) the intentions of the politicians, pundits, talking heads, etc. that those people listen to and parrot.

        It’s kind of hard to believe that all people trying to censor LGBTQ+ […]

        See, that’s the thing, these are humans just existing.

        We have a word for “censoring” groups of humans for simply existing. That’s called genocide.

        So what you’re doing (not necessarily you, people in general), excusing the “garden variety” bigot, is reminiscent of what was seen with the Nazis after ww2. Did every German nationalist, and member of the Nazi party, personally commit acts of genocide? Or were they just part of a bigger machine, and their “garden variety” hatred for Jews was unrelated to what was actually happening to them (and other marginalized groups)?

        Turns out, when it comes to genocide, you don’t get off scot free just because you didn’t personally pull the lever to start up the gas chamber.

      • nzodd@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        Personally, I find it very easily believe that the kind of deplorable trash that supports genocide and genocide-enabling policies are also big supporters of child rape. They’ve already proven themselves to be horrible people after all. Could be that the dim-witted followers aren’t all about that lifestyle, but the ones spearheading it certainly are.

        And let us not forget that these are the same people who elected America’s first child rapist president. When somebody tells you who they are, believe them the first time.

      • ArcticCircleSystem@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        I mean they can make up as many bullshit justifications as they want, but what they’re doing is abuse and they’re trying to make it easier to do. ~Strawberry

        • Evergreen5970@beehaw.org
          1 year ago

          I agree with this because the end result is harm, I just don’t agree that everyone is getting into this with the specific intent of making pedophilia easier. That sounds conspiracy-level and far-fetched to me. I also don’t really keep up to date with news because of how rage-baity it is these days, so it’s possible most of the politicians supporting this movement have been caught abusing children sexually and I just have no idea about it. I will always reject the idea that all the ground-level supporters are all pedophiles, that’s way too many people being pedophiles when the highest estimate I’m aware of is 5% of the population.

          Even getting into this conversation was a huge mistake for me—notice how I keep replying on what is essentially a politically charged topic. I wrote some messages and ultimately chose not to send them for fear of getting into a big argument.

          I oppose these people too because the end result is harm, by the way. Same end result of children coming to harms, including sexual harms, regardless of peoples’ motives in getting into this. I’m just not for saying “they’re all pedos.”

          • ArcticCircleSystem@beehaw.org
            1 year ago

            I don’t mean pedophilia specifically. I mean the sort of people who think screaming at and hitting their kids is discipline for some reason as well, or the sort of people who deliberately deny necessary healthcare and education to their trans kid, etc. ~Strawberry