If you think you can force your subjective will on billions of people by plugging your ears and shouting “I’m right” you’re going to be very disappointed by life.
There is no one Christian opinion now or any time history about abortion. But if you want to go with Augustine, Thomas Aquinas and Pope Innocent III early abortion before quickening was not a sin as per the two latter that is when the fetus is ensouled. That is around the middle of the second trimester. Popes Sixtus V and Stephen V both were against it at any point. Luther seems to be against it at any point.
If you think you can force your subjective will on billions of people by plugging your ears and shouting “I’m right” you’re going to be very disappointed by life.
Nah, MY body MY choice. Choose for yourself. No debate bro
There is truth in all perspectives and denying that helps no one, including yourself.
The irony of saying this when being pro life is forcing an exclusively Christian belief on other people.
There is no one Christian opinion now or any time history about abortion. But if you want to go with Augustine, Thomas Aquinas and Pope Innocent III early abortion before quickening was not a sin as per the two latter that is when the fetus is ensouled. That is around the middle of the second trimester. Popes Sixtus V and Stephen V both were against it at any point. Luther seems to be against it at any point.
The people who think they can dictate what medical procedures another person can have should remember this.
People can dislike abortions all they want, but an abortion should strictly be between a woman and her doctor.
Ummm… they’re speaking for themselves. Not forcing shit on anyone. And excercising their right of body autonomy.
I think you have things backwards basically.