Past couple weeks have been too much for me to handle, I’m not super okay, and I need something to get my mind off of some stuff. What you got?

(yes yes, therapy. It expensive. What you got?)

    88 months ago

    Right now dealing with very heavy grief after a very recent loss. What has worked a bit for me is an app called Pigment. It’s essentially a digital coloring book. It’s mindless enough to keep my brain occupied but not demanding enough that it requires a lot of focus.

    I do this while simultaneously listening to a streamed TV show. (Currently, Brooklyn 99). It’s lighthearted and positive, but not forcefully or heavy handed.

    Hope this helps.

  • SCmSTR
    68 months ago

    100%, music. Get on a music service (not a video service like YouTube) and go listen to genres of music that feel good.

    Music that you liked when you were 13
    When you were 21, music that reminds you of the good times
    Or music that fits how you feel…

    Seriously, don’t underestimate the power of music. It’s literally like magic and has the power to heal, inspire, distract, inform, validate, remind, transport, stimulate, numb, etc… I became a musician because I wanted to help people through hard times and to be better people, because I realized how powerful and important it is.

    Go try old stuff, too, like bob dylan. Or go listen to Linkin Park again like it’s 2003. Or go listen through the entire nutcracker suite by Tchaikovsky (i suggest looking for the decca phase 4 London festival orchestra worth robert sharples that was recorded in the 60s i think it’s the one, I’m not sure on my phone where it is on spotify). Or if you want to listen to the same song over and over and that feels good to you, then that’s what you should be doing.

    Just keep searching and following the good feelings and don’t give up, like trying new sexual stuff and not trying for a specific outcome but allowing yourself to be in the moment and feel then sensations.

    And feel your feelings. Just find someplace safe, get a good sound source, and let it all rip… if you feel like crying, cry. If you feel like being mad, be mad. You have to actually process your feelings.

    A wise man once said to me, “there’s no bad music, only bad timing”. If it feels off or wrong, just switch it. It takes courage to try something different sometimes, though, so try not sweat it too much either way, and just remember to breathe.

    48 months ago

    Drop myself into a fantasy world where I get to have complete control… sometimes it’s an action story or a horror story or a magic story… then I push the save button and promise myself I will finish the story next weekend but never open the file again.

    48 months ago

    Jump into a new game. Exercise, reading, learn a new language / instrument. Meditation and or yoga. Learn some new recipes.

    38 months ago

    Mine would probably be interesting activities on the computer (gaming for instance).

    But when it comes to bad feels strong enough I cannot escape through gaming, then I talk or write about said feels.

    8 months ago

    Comedy based podcast while doing a mostly mindless task.

    The podcast needs to be non narrative, so I can tune in or out at will and just pick up on the flow of conversation, and funny, so when I am tuned in its light hearted and fun.

    The task could be dishes, laundry, a simple video game, watercolor painting, gardening, whatever. Just something that has simple steps with simple actions, that let my hands work while I enjoy the podcast.

    Alternatives for podcasts include the vods of twitch streams I like. Vods tend to be long, and meandering, so its easy to tune in and out.

    If you need specific reccomendations, I can also do that

  • I’m sorry that I don’t have a suggestion, but I hope you find something to help you and I hope things are okay.

    Been there, it’s rough, and I really hope you find what you need. Good luck. <3

    38 months ago

    For keeping my mind off “stuff” I do the headphones and constant audio. Both books and podcasts.

    It’s an escape but I also feel like all the problems are still there — and at some point I still need to deal with them. Thus I listen to a lot of books because I’ll need to starts a new one right away.

    Interesting listening to a good book again is great when I’m stressed. It keeps me from thinking random bad thoughts but, since I know the story, it still lets me relax or let my thoughts wander a bit.

    28 months ago

    Getting up early and making some coffee and playing a game, something about doing something early morning is really soothing

    8 months ago

    I get high and do busy work, while listening to an audiobook or podcast. Keeps my hands and brain busy long enough to calm myself down.

    Being high isn’t required but it definitely helps.