So I assume many of us have played some games for the first time long after their release date. Like, maybe you didn’t have a specific console growing up so we didn’t play the “classics” on it, or something.

I’m just wondering how many of you have played an older game and thought “wow, I wish I grew up with this game”?

For example, for me, many years ago I played Super Metroid for the first time and fell in love with the idea of just wandering aimlessly around the game world, occasionally stumbling into new areas. I would have loved to have played it as a kid with childlike wonder without worrying about finishing the game or making progress.

    1 year ago

    The Elder scrolls

    You put it perfectly here

    I would have loved to have played it as a kid with childlike wonder

    That feeling you get when you play a game you like when you are a kid is something you don’t get again as an adult, I remember the first times I played Minecraft, I remember that sense of adventure and discoverery that sadly I haven’t been able to experience again.

    I can only imagine what would have felt playing Morrowind, Oblivion and even Skyrim with the mind of a child.

    I know these games are not that old… but hey! I was a child when they came out.

      1 year ago

      Morrowind was earth shattering when it came out. It looks like ass compared to today’s games but at the time we’d never seen anything that looked that good, with that epic scale of a world, before. It was magical.