2024 is the Year of Linux on the Desktop, at least for my boyfriend. He’s running Windows 7 right now, so I’ll be switching him to Ubuntu in a few days. Ubuntu was chosen because Proton is officially supported in Ubuntu.
2024 is the Year of Linux on the Desktop, at least for my boyfriend. He’s running Windows 7 right now, so I’ll be switching him to Ubuntu in a few days. Ubuntu was chosen because Proton is officially supported in Ubuntu.
Anyone who down voted pls explain…
Perhaps because this is such a typical Linux-bro meme?
By no means is it more user friendly. I drive it daily, my grandmother most definitely could not, they’re way too many times when something stops working or goes wrong with DEs.
I also find those constant Linux comments annoying but one should really avoid using Windows 7. Win 7 has been out of support for a long time, either update to Win 10 (if possible), air gap it, install some other OS like Linux, or consider replacing the computer.
I think they mean more user friendly than plain Ubuntu.
Ya I’m a Linux system administrator and comments like that are beyond annoying. Linux is not user friendly lol
Also my workstation is Windows 11, your tears fuel me
Yeah I’m a Linux and Windows sysadmin for almost 15 years and don’t really care what it is in practice, just disagree with Microsoft on many things. People have actually argued to me here why I shouldn’t use Windows Server in an enterprise setting, as if a sysadmin who doesn’t prefer Windows would have any bearing on such things. It’s also funny how people seem to think managing Windows is very different than managing Linux, you’re basically doing the same things, I really only interact with Windows in the same manner I interact with Linux it’s just remote powershell instead of ssh. Building Windows server is just running a powershell script, building Linux server is just running the playbook.
Also I disable mostly everything through group policy on Windows and remove all the dumb stuff with remove-appxpackage. Use both for workstations too.
Clearly you haven’t used desktop Linux for any period of time. Its not the same as a server and is pretty nice and friendly.
I don’t have patience for issues on my workstation, I run fedora on my personal laptop
I get why everyone hates windows but it literally just works
I guess I’ve had the opposite experience. Maybe its just that I know how to fix Linux but not windows.
Windows has more minor problems that are superficial and easy to fix, Linux has less problems but when it does they’re more significant and detrimental.
It depends on what you mean. For me, it’s pretty user friendly, but I’m also fairly comfortable using a terminal and am very technologically literate. The fact it handles tedious tasks automatically (or can be made to trivially) is so much nicer than Windows. You can easily update all applications and your system in a matter of seconds. Compared to Windows where the application itself has to check for updates when it launches, sends you to download the installer, you have to run that and close the previous version, relaunch, and then you’re finally updated for that single application. Let’s not talk about system updates. Linux is more friendly. It requires a certain level of competence that Windows doesn’t, but if you’re above that level it’s generally better.
Sure, things can go wrong with DEs and other stuff, but it’s often easier than when things go wrong in Windows. Have you ever had the desktop or Explorer crash in Windows? It’s a bad time. Windows is not user friendly. People are just used to it.
Why do so many Linux users not understand the meaning of user-friendly?
Because anyone who has used Linux thinks user friendly means things just work and settings are in the same place as last time
Linux users tend to be more GUI-oriented than Windows users as well
That’s my experience as well. I’ve been a Mint user for around 6 years (2012 to 2018 or 2019), with different DEs (Gnome, Cinnamon and Mate) and installations and there was always something that stopped working all of a sudden, or something wrong with Mint altogether that made the experience bittersweet. I even tried LMDE for a bit and didn’t last a week using it.
I ended up hopping to Antergos (RIP) and have been with it ever since.