Users aren’t going to care about privacy until there are consequences. Given tendencies in red states in the US, I expect some people to be arrested based on social media data - not “here’s a post of me breaking the law” kind of data, but “you browsed this site while posting this comment after seeing your doctor last Tuesday which is a strong indication you were trying to cause a miscarriage” kind of data.
Users aren’t going to care about privacy until there are consequences. Given tendencies in red states in the US, I expect some people to be arrested based on social media data - not “here’s a post of me breaking the law” kind of data, but “you browsed this site while posting this comment after seeing your doctor last Tuesday which is a strong indication you were trying to cause a miscarriage” kind of data.
Even then, I doubt some people will be able to correlate that to privacy infringing social media services. Some will, but a lot probably won’t.