oooh okay, yeah that would be amazing.
Enthusiastic Bass player over at !
oooh okay, yeah that would be amazing.
Entschuldigung, kam das als Meckern rüber? Würde mir wünschen, nicht so passiv-aggressiv angesprochen zu werden. Das ist nicht nett.
That’s the first time I heard about that. Do you have a source?
Genau, ich dann 76€. Oder gibt es irgendwo eine Quelle wo steht, dass die 29€ Teil meines Semesterbeitrages werden?
Edit: I stand corrected. Ich würde mir trotzdem nen freundlicheren Umgang wünschen.
Ich versteh nicht so recht, wieso unser Semesterticket nicht schlicht in ein Deutschlandticket umgewandelt wird oder wir nur die Differenz zahlen. Der Mobilitätsbeitrag beträgt 220€ pro Semester, also knapp 37€ im Monat. Somit zahlen wir am Ende mehr als der Otto-Normal Bürger für sein Deutschlandticket.
Short reply in English: I don’t understand why we should pay more than the usual user. We already pay 220€ per semester, which equals to roughly around 37€ per month.
Diese Kommasetzung fällt unter Körperverletzung.
Probably because Social Media is their ad platform.
No poop challenge
There‘s no mention of ingame purchase revenue, so I assume they aren’t included?
Hey there! Don’t want to nitpick, but it is spelled „you‘re“ in your case. „Your“ is used when you‘re talking about possessive attribution. „Your car“ vs „you‘re (you are) driving a car“.
I went back to PS2 era games. This was the golden era imo, where games came out in a playable state and an amazing amount of content. Right now I‘m playing a completely English translated version of Monster Hunter 2 on a private server that went live about a month ago, it’s amazing.
It’s just part of my personality by now and I don’t feel bad about it any more. I just keep adding skills to my repertoire and thus have a broad spectrum of things I can talk about and relate with other people.
Imo Dead Space was the last decently made mobile game. After that the F2P craze started and never stopped.
Sorry for my misconception! I don’t think you’ll necessarily have to move to Apple products at all. If I were as tech enthusiastic as I were back in the days I would probably still use Linux and Android. I don’t like fiddling around with systems anymore and have to work between multiple devices because I spend a lot of time commuting by train, work at home and mobile. My work environment is pretty heavy on apple proprietary formats so that’s another reason.
I don’t understand. Are you sarcastic? I’m not here to reproduce Reddit antics, so I would like to stick with a constructive discussion if you don’t mind. If not, consider this conversation to be over.
Neither Ubuntu, Fedora, nor Mint, XFCE or KDE did it for me.
Don‘t get me wrong: I avoided Apple for right around two decades now and just made the switch in the last couple of years because I got fed up with all the issues I kept fighting. Of course it’s a pretty personal question what you need in a device and what your priorities are. There’s never a simple answer to that. And priorities change over the years, just like mine did.
I don’t like that an iPhone is the best solution for my use-case. But it objectively is.
Ja, ich habe bisher von keinen dieser Maßnahmen mitbekommen. Ich habe nicht absichtlich Falschinformationen verbreitet, ich habe den Beitrag falsch verstanden, wie ich auch an anderer Stelle eingestehe.