If someone blows all four of your tires in one car, you can use the spare plus the spare from each of the other three.
If someone blows all four of your tires in one car, you can use the spare plus the spare from each of the other three.
So if you don’t sell it, and instead rent it out to other people, he’d get a portion of the rent the future tenant pays? And I don’t supposed said future tenant will also get equity?
Have you consulted with a lawyer about this? The laws differ from place to place, but I’d be worried the equity you give him may also grant him some sort of claim on the house, which would mean he gets a say on financial things related to the real estate. This can complicate things in the future.
Also - what does “percentage of revenue if we end up keeping and paying it off years later” mean? That after he leaves you will pay him for his share in your house?
Not really. All political factions try to sound like they are about principles when in reality they are about tribes.
Well… that’s not the worst thing that happened to a class yesterday…
“Your brakes operation will resume after this 10s ad”
You are assuming here that I know what I want. What if there is no obviously correct answer, and even in the Everett branch that generates the optimal content for the file I’ll still think it can be improved and tell it to destroy the universe?
What if there is no correct answer?
I just use this:
while [[ $keep_generating == 1 ]]; do
dd if=/dev/random of=$1 bs=1 count=$2 status=none
echo Contents of $1 are:
cat $1
read -p "Try generating again? " -s -n1 answer
while true; do
case $answer in
[Yy] )
[Nn] )
read -s -n1 answer
I guess that answers the question from that meme?
Here you go: https://onlyfans.com/ir1xk8r013d7u
You have been warned but you needed proof.
You hanged some lighting on the roof.
The spirit of the holiday overthrew you.
You climbed atop the kitchen chair.
You plugged the cord. It zapped your hair.
And from your lips you stuttered Hallelujah.
Sorry, but no thanks. If I wanted to see a disappointment I’d just get a mirror.
Or maybe they just don’t want to take the risk? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/29/five-people-killed-in-south-east-texas-shooting-cleveland
Anarchy is not against rules, it’s against rulers.