Already mentioned? It happened already. They’re there. It took them only 2 weeks to get to operating concentration camps.
Already mentioned? It happened already. They’re there. It took them only 2 weeks to get to operating concentration camps.
Essentially, directly accessing and modifying any system you don’t have authority over meets the bar for legal action.
So exactly the doge traitors are doing…
Does it count as a reunion if she keeps doing movies with him every couple years?
They don’t care about doing things properly.
Announcing an investigation is like the simplest way you can pander to a group.
I could do it right now.
This way they can distract the idiots while they steal their social security, and all their identity and medical information off government servers.
The courts claimed they the courts couldn’t, but still have themselves the option to judge what was and wasn’t.
The courts later deciding that the president can just ignore the courts would be a bunch of power hungry dipshits completely removing their own power. It would be very dumb if them to do, even from the perspective of people who only care about themselves
Funny joke, but California’s economy is waaaay bigger than Denmark’s. CA is like the 5th largest in the world. Denmark is like 37.
Not even deadnamed. The “name change” only impacts like a specific section of it, not the whole thing.
Defying court orders is not part of the presidential duties.
Well this has been previously tested.
“More likely” would imply frequency of false information to overall tweets. Which would be split by political leaning already. The numbers of each side wouldn’t matter much in that case
There’s two halves of the company which are currently buying for control with one another
Right wing once again proving they’re the real snowflakes.
They will absolutely NOT return it to its open source mission. Why bother lying? This is the least believable group to even try making that statement
Not even gonna try to pretend it isn’t ethnic cleansing…
All 3 Lord of the Rings films were all shot at the same time.
Hyperlink which went to a different article. Do you not understand how the Internet works? Don’t act like you weren’t wrong when you failed to clarify properly. That’s not on me
So…not in the article, but in a completely different linked article. Got it
The word laser does not appear once in this article.
They made huge inroads chasing the incel community. The left wants to dismiss actual young male issues because men have historically had the upper hand, but there are actual things causing hardship for the, and being repeatedly told to suck it up because someone who looks like them didn’t have those problems does not keep them in your corner.