Iam using mint, because it seemed like a good “beginner” distro
Iam using mint, because it seemed like a good “beginner” distro
I jumped ship a month ago. Never really used Linux outside of some small school projects.
And my god have I had lots of issues with stuff that didn’t work or it was missing some packages that I had no idea how to get.
I have a colleague that have used Linux for +10-20 years. So having somebody to ask for help is very valuable!
But all the games I normally play is working so I don’t regret jumping ship.
Okay you’re just trolling.
There is no alternative that can do the same
I haven’t played RCT so not sure how I compares.
But Factorio is first of, a sandbox game. You can build however you want in your own tempo. Not sure what you mean by finicky?
But I don’t think it’s tedious micromanagement at all. it feels super good when you build something new and it works. And there is so many technologies and it’s jus fun exploring how everything works together and coming up with new designs!
There is also enemies, but can be turned off if you just want to focus on building a Factory. I mostly play with them, building up defences and killboxes and making automated train supply that comes with ammo, wall, etc.
It has a demo you can try out. It’s scenarios so you try out different base mechanics in the game. But the actual game is a sandbox game.
Min all-time favorite er The resistance. Jeg havde en lille spil gruppe på 5, og det spil kunne vi bare spille i flere timer i træk
Ellers kan jeg super godt lide strategi spil, og den vi spiller mest for tiden er Tapestry. Jeg synes der er en super god mix af at man kan spille sit “eget” spil, men også fucke sin modstandere over. Plus man har sin egen civilisation, med specielle egenskaber. Så spiller føles aldrig som det samme, hvilket også er meget fedt. Det er lidt “ligende” Terraforming Mars, men tager ikke lige så lang tid, hvilket er et stort plus haha
Ellers synes jeg 7 wonders er god, når man spiller med folk der ikke er vant til “komplekse” brætspil. Altså det sværeste brætspil de har spillet er sådan ludo/uno.
I really like the camera bar, and definitely makes it easier to hold
What happens to my LEGO® bricks? Once we receive your bricks, we carefully check them to make sure they meet our eligibility criteria. After they pass the check, we weigh them to determine their final value and promptly send your payment.
Our goal is to keep as many bricks in play as possible - and this is a test run to help us figure out the best way to do it!
Uh viste slet ikke det også er bøger. Jeg har selv zombicide brætspil, og de er ret så sjove at spille. Eneste “problem” er at de ofte tager lang tid at spil, især når man regner med opsætning af spillet osv! Så det kan være svært at finde tid, og især venner der også har lyst til at sætte flere timer af på engang til bare det spil.
Men hvis det ikke er er problem for en, så er der helt klart af anbefale!
Turn-by-turn walking, cycling, and car navigation with voice guidance and Android Auto
On their “about page”
They changed that in an update a couple months ago, so it’s only the game that is being played that’s locked and not the whole library
For people that didn’t transfer right away, like me, I got so many emails telling me to transfer the account. So people that didn’t transfer right away, stil got plenty of notice
I got so many emails from them telling me to transition the account or I would lose it. So they did give lots of notice.
Even tho it sucks losing access, it’s still a great game worth every penny
Go to printables.com or thingiverse.com (I personally prefer printables) search for whatever your hobby is. And print something for that.
Was taking 2 gap years in education. Where I worked a year, and took firefighters education for 9 month, where I met my now wife, after that traveled for 2 month, before I continued my education with computer science.
Why would he buy a phone with headphones jack, when the selection of phones is so shitty. And he is not even using the jack?
I had the same issues, was even worse for me. I only got to play 1/3 missions, and had to restart Helldivers everytime I got the disconnection error.
But I upgraded my cpu, and now I have not had a single disconnection error since. Not sure if it’s correlated, but it’s nice not crazhing anymore
Because not everybody wants to read the whole thing? You still can if you want, the bot is taking nothing away from you
What stopped you from just leaving and finding a new game?
I don’t have 24 free hours, but damn if iam going to try to spend them all on Factorio anyway!