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Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • That’s forbidden knowledge among the mechanics in my union local, lol. One of the shop mechanics at my training center was teaching some of my peers how to pick locks when we had completed our training and were just killing time helping the shop guys out. Had some downtime and he brought out a couple sets and some locks.
    Apparently it’s sort of an unspoken tool of the mechanic trade when you work around machinery like that. Never know what you’ll have to get access to and you never know if anyone will have the right key. You’d think the ignition key would suffice to open, say, an access panel or storage cabinet, but some of these machines use a different key entirely for such a thing.

  • I don’t wear one in my day-to-day, but I’m certainly not going to begrudge somebody for wearing one, and you can be sure I’m gonna have em around for flu season, COVID or no.
    The problem is masks got politicized by assholes that want to be contrarian for the sake of preserving their paradigm, their worldview.
    These are people so mentally weak and reliant on the lifestyle they’ve grown accustomed to that when something like a plague comes around, it shifts their paradigm so fuckin’ hard that they have to tell themselves the science is wrong and everybody is going to be fine. I suppose the other part of it is treating your national politics like a fuckin’ football game, but that doesn’t even warrant discussing because it’s so goddamn obvious and pervasive.
    Now imagine, as a hypothetical scenario, the government tells us aliens are real one day, and they’re here. Watch these people really lose it. Wouldn’t know whether to shit or go blind.
    Edit: As for the people that are just genuinely tired of hearing about it, be it on here, Reddit, or else where… Pull the fucking plug and let everything go for a bit. Decompress. You don’t have to be online and connected to everything every minute of your boredom or free time.
    There’s no lockdown anymore. Go touch grass.

  • How dramatic. I don’t think people are generally still scared of this. It’s been part of our lives for a few years now.
    Normal people see this and go “Hmm, I’ll keep some N95s around in case there’s a notable uptick in people gettin’ sick this flu season.” Meanwhile, some people, such as yourself, seem to have a negative knee-jerk reaction to anything in the news related to COVID, and then proceed to get shit upon by the community when you bitch about it; their knee-jerk reaction is to immediately assume you’re a right-winger and call you out on it (they’ve done it to a couple other people in here). While I don’t think that’s a fair assumption off the cuff, I can see how they’d jump to that.

  • That’s not how any of the COVID vaccines were reported to work. No such thing as total immunity.
    The virus is deadly depending on what conditions are met (underlying risk factors, etc.). Not all of those conditions are obvious or well-studied, so it always seemed to me like a lottery who gets killed by the virus.
    Furthermore, I don’t believe the article is fearmongering. As I said in a separate comment, it’s more like “hey, there might be a bit of an outbreak in some places this flu season, so keep some N95s on hand just in case numbers go up.” I HIGHLY doubt we would see another shutdown.