Brace yourselves, the “integrated heating” memes are coming!
(Maybe as much as one or two more!!)
Brace yourselves, the “integrated heating” memes are coming!
(Maybe as much as one or two more!!)
But needs to cover ads (social media included!) and influencers.
But trauma is the signature flavour that really sets in the experience!!
“People who eat blue waffles” is again the pic from the left panel tho.
Imagine the sadistic mindset to do this to anyone in most any situation.
And foss, all the time.
The human devs showing us humanity.
Money maker that just won’t stop.
deleted by creator
Daaaang that was harsh. Fair but omg.
Yeah, it’s system wide from the ol’ days.
*how to make IRS forgetn’t to tax the rich
We underfund our heroes, don’t we?
(Also that monitors model name in the thumbnail “UHD 4K 2K” :D
Yeah, thats almost 150% more than my (theoretical) bandwidth at home (Gbps but I live alone & just don’t want to pay much), and that is just assuming constant workload (peaks must be massive).
This is indeed considerate, yet hopefully solvable. It certainly is from the link perspective.
Why would Bluesky be?
It has a responsibly to its owners to maximise profit.
So they will block & force-promote just like any Twitter or Facebook.
And what is self-moderation? The block function? Or like choosing your interests (like subscribing to tags/channels/instances)?
Are people running megacorps not random persons deciding what you can view or not, but with extra wealth concentration?
And the beauty of federation is that the process is (and is evolving ever more into) a bit more democratic with easier transitions or irrelevancy of what your home fedistan is.
With megacorps you don’t have even the theoretical option, you can just move to an entirely new platform.
As long as most cocaine doesn’t contain trace amounts of dirty money, it’s fine.
(It does so it’s not fine.)
Ohh, for ez donations too!
… give it a lick …