We can live in both at the same time.
I offer absurdist edits of absurdist Heathcliff comics and c/keeptrack of absurdist government.
We can live in both at the same time.
It’s weird living in a world where people are rescuing our past from the Ministry of Information sponsored Memory Hole.
That’s the Dwarf Fortress themed GCC IDE UX.
False. It’s a DNS issue. Downvoted
I was 61kg at 187cm from 15 to 30. I was eating 6000 calories a day to maintain that weight. Then I gained 22kg over the next three years and finally felt healthy for the first time. I had all the same health problems as anorexics while eating like an Olympic athlete.
It was just genetics. Multiple family members were like this but not as bad as I had it. Now I have a nephew who has it just as bad as I did. He just has to wait another decade or so to achieve normalcy.
I have bad news for you about babies. And many people make sure to fully evacuate before a flight because they will do anything to avoid that bathroom.
One thing this doesn’t get into is the misconception that a lot of people have that IQ is some kind of absolute score when it’s a quotient that is combination your score averaged amongst others of your age group. Right now the highest possible IQ is 201 assuming a standard deviation of 16. There aren’t enough people alive to get higher than that.
This is a great compilation with incredible detail. There used to be a site called something like Ministry Defense that had a listing of every single Church shooting. I found a very useful resource for offering a counterpoint whenever somebody talked about removing God from school as being the reason for school shootings.
It’s a little hard to tease out some of the details here but if I’m reading it right calories were cut by about 500 a day. UPF (junk food) was decreased by a third and there was zero attempt at blinding or using a control. Oh and each person got $100 to put towards groceries each week.
After the end of the 8 weeks people lost an average of 7.7 pounds, Which is acceptable because anything more than 2 pounds a week is unsustainable and this just under one pound a week is slow enough that the body won’t recognize that it’s being starved and retaliate. So it sucks you have to go slow but slow wins long term. But buried in the details is that the standard deviation was 6.6 pounds meaning someone might have lost just 1.1 pounds and someone else might have lost 14.3. there is no way to tell from the released data what that standard deviation of a whopping 86% looked like in the individual level. I don’t know if I could bring myself to publish a study with a standard deviation of 86%. I’d be afraid of getting bullied in the break room.
There should be a $100 per week for groceries study with zero interventions like counseling. Do you know how much healthier I would eat with $100 a week? I don’t buy boxed mac and cheese because I want to. I buy it because I can’t buy anything else.
It’s kinda weird that UPFs accounted for 75% of the subjects diet to begin with. But then I see people’s shopping carts and the amount of calories consumed as liquid sugar is insane. And I’m guilty of drinking too much ginger ale myself.
A dictatorship, if you can keep it.
Did you see Section 31? People standing around in a circle telling us what they will do, then doing it, and finally telling us what they did. It felt like it burned a third of the screen time.
Came here to post the interview. Good stuff. Incriminating stuff.
I’m not on ca. I’m on world. But I can see how I might have been first because I had just hit the scales sort and it was the first post I saw. It’s possible that I was in before anyone else on the instance.
It was a big zero. Nothing but the group description.
I’m also on boost. I didn’t go back because it was completely empty.
They should have used a Wingate.
The number of pods with no show notes is way too high.
Urls can be too long to be memorable and useful on a audio medium like radio or podcasts. So if you can give them a domain they know and a keyword or phrase it becomes extremely useful.
Didn’t he already fix it? Aren’t we past day one?