Hello I am new, confused and excited about Lemmy! I like the vibes.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • My experience with Zoloft: or the greatest thing that has ever happened to me:

    I have autism, which led to crippling, crushing anxiety and depression. It wasn’t until my mid twenties that I broke down. I could barely hold a job, talk on the phone, I couldn’t even get a drivers lisense because I had panic attacks behind the wheel so no one was willing to even TRY to teach me anymore. Zoloft changed everything. Within a few days of taking it I was less depressed sure, but the reduction of the anxiety was a miracle. I could take phone calls! I got a drivers license! I was able to get a good paying job and get my life together. It enabled me to get therapy and a diagnosis of autism which really helped me to understand a lot of my underlying problems. I remember asking my friend, after my first successful trip DRIVING to the store, is this how normal poeple feel ALL THE TIME!!??? Not crushed 24/7 by fear so bad it would make me puke!??

    Side effects: I gained a lot of weight and my sex drive took a huge, huge nose dive. If I miss more than three doses I get terrible brain zaps, and can’t do anything until I get my meds. Even moving my EYES felt like lighting through my skull.

    Hopefully my mini novel here was helpful, I feel like one of the few lucky, lucky poeple who had such a good reaction to SSDI inhibitors.

    TLDR: took zoloft for depression, instead it ended up being the best anti- anxiety medication I have and I am still taking it. 10/10 would Zoloft again.

  • Climate change. We are in a severe drought and I’m not sure that is going to change anytime soon. I bought and installed rain barrels but they are not filling up. I put buckets in the shower and turn it off when I’m soaping up. Showers used to be my space to decompress but now I have to hurry and use as little water as possible. It makes me so sad and angry to think that the rich oil fucks that ruined everything are just going on as if everything’s normal. They aren’t watching crops die in feilds, they aren’t struggling to get water to their animals, they aren’t watching birds downing in livestock water tanks. Private jets, fancy meals, finest of everything, while everyone else on earth pays the price.