To bad that he will have security walk her out and remove her. Illegal or not, Congress is jackshit to stop him. It’s fucking infuriating.
Why me and my brother believe local or national restaurant chain. Could be someone with several I Hop franchises, or hell is Waffle House a franchise? Either way it someone who needs a shit ton of eggs.
Our could be place like this:
This place serves eggs.
If they try that shit on me, then I no longer have anything to lose do I. They might fuck around and find out. Now if they did that to everyone not a Republican, they literally call the rest of us terrorists? Then maybe we become the terror they so fear.
Soon or later this is all going come crashing down. Either we turn full fascism and it becomes 1984, or a bloody revolution to take our country back. Time going tell. Just saying we are almost to the point we’re voting won’t matter.
Love the title, great use of a pun. But it interesting. Either a competitor stole them, or a restaurant chain. I mean how do you fence 100k of eggs before they go bad? Either that or its some stupid pranksters, or crack heads that don’t know what they just did.
Could also be someone waiting until eggs go rotten then be used to tag some rich fucks houses or cars.
He hadn’t attended the last time he was in office? Why all sudden is he interested in going now?
Dude in my 40,s can’t afford the egg. It getting rough out here.
Hell I live there weather alone makes it sound pleasant. But how do most people make a living there? What’s thier economy based on?
Has Ford owner I can tell you debadging a Ford won’t stop anyone knowing its a Ford. They design it specifically so you don’t need the emblem. Hell it fades off on most trucks and cars in a few months.
What I remove is any mention of the dealership. That I will advertise for.
Thank you just applied to the large glass plant in town. Its a union job I hope I get it.
Has for 2 years so far.
Where been doing my taxes. Thanks for the link.
Yeah I to am having issues in the job part. Hard looking for work in your mid forties.
Sure is, rest groceries and housing doing well too? And how the job hunt going?
Holy shit I thought 6.15 for dozen was cheap here where I am at. Thanks for information. What the value difference in currency?
Speaking of eggs what the price of a carton of eggs in the UK right now?
To late he just got rid of what takes to do our fucking taxes. I REFUSE TO USE TURBOTAX OR HR BLOCK OR ANY OTHER PREDATORY TAX FILING COMPANY.
Guess no refund for us and no child tax credit.
Btw what the fuck is Congress doing? This motherfucker should not be able to do any of this, yet no one stopping him.
First thought it was from The Last of Us. Glad it satire for now.
Which in turn we devastate all the red states because California is largest tax payers in the country. Those taxes help the red states. So by destroying California economy he fucks over all of America. Well they voted for it so let them suffer. Just wish rest of us didn’t have to suffer too.
What happens when we file our taxes? Will we even get our refunds?
It’s fucked when the unlimited option in this meme is less then I pay for internet now. I pay over 200 a month just for the fucking internet. Fuck Cox cable and shit choices I don’t have in my town.