Thank you for sharing some of the flippers capabilities. I am looking for a 0$ option, I got my reasons.
Thank you for sharing some of the flippers capabilities. I am looking for a 0$ option, I got my reasons.
There were a few different resources talking about ways to make a security key that locks/unlocks a computer. It’s not on my radar right now. Thank you for sharing this one.
Geez your all easily offended. Sure lying isn’t a super way of going about getting what you want. And I sure hope OP doesn’t do this in other facets of his life. But gosh tone it down a notch will ya?
The tutorials I found see to point towards specific controllers. I was hoping for a measly flash drive to be able to modified.
I’ll look into HID devices but buying stuff is annoying. I was really hoping to be able to just repurpose a flash drive.
I learned of way that I could implement mfa for my accounts. Having no money or a phone made this a bit tricky. Being thrifty and private requires a bit of learning. I finally ended up using KeepassXC. I still have to so how easily I can use my database with the Keepass portable version. I also spent a good chunk of time deleting old accounts I didn’t need. Feels good
-Potentially faster installation
Installed CachyOs yesterday that must have been the longest install I have been through. I’m liking it so far though.