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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I understand the same way and I think there’s a lot of gray area which makes it hard to just say “the data also needs to be open source for the code to be open source”. What would that mean for postgreSQL? Does it magically turn closed source if I don’t share what’s in my db? What would it mean to every open source software that stores and uses that stored data?

    I’m not saying the AI models shouldn’t be open source, I’m saying reigning in the models needs to be done very carefully because it’s very easy to overreach and open up a whole other can of worms.

  • Saboteur is one of those games I’m afraid to replay because I have such vivid memories of it being really fun and I don’t want to lose that.

    I already somewhat ruined Morrowind with modern hardware doing distant rendering. Back in the day Morrowind had perpetual fog and you couldn’t see far, so all the places felt so far apart. It felt like a journey going from Vivec city to Ebonhart. But modern hardware has no problem with distant rendering and now I can see that I could spit from Vivec City to Ebonhart. It’s no longer a journey, it’s just an annoyance because “it’s right there”. The magic of traversal is lessened because things no longer feel like they’re far away.

    And that’s what I’m afraid of, that some illusion of Saboteur gets shattered and with it the game will also feel lesser than it was.

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eetoComic Strips@lemmy.worldChess
    2 days ago

    Never liked that rule. The king should be a capturable piece and be allowed to step into checks. It might make the game harder at a beginner level but it gets rid of the anticlimactic stalemates. It won’t get rid of draws because the repetition rule still applies.

  • I’ve very rarely disliked “prepping”. For example building boss arenas in Terraria or setting up my equipment for a hunt in Monster Hunter or learning about the monsters in Witcher 3. Anything that lets me prepare for future encounters is a system I enjoy, even if it’s only superficial.

    I hate it only when it’s turned into somekind of a survival element that exists solely for the purpose of resource management. For example I hated hunger and water in Subnautica. From a certain point forward those two things become just mindless busywork because when you plant it in your base it just grows and whenever you need to fill up you just go to your base and eat and drink and there’s no upside nor a real downside to those two mechanics.

  • Which part of that statement was lying or misrepresenting? They’re your words. The first part.

    I’m saying “do not go somewhere that expects tips,”

    And the second part.

    I’m saying do not go somewhere where you’re supposed to tip and not tip or you’re even worse than the problem. If you do, you need to tip.

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eetoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldSelect a tip
    5 days ago

    “If you don’t want to support tipping culture, don’t go somewhere that expects tips. But if you do happen to go somewhere that expects tips (regardless of how you end up going there) you absolutely must support tipping culture”.

    Now let me take your point into absurdity.

    “If you don’t want to support gun violence you shouldn’t own a gun. But if you happen to own a gun you should do a mass shooting.”

    That’s how your argument comes across to me. I have no issue with the first part of your argument, I do that. But I have an issue with the second part because that is defending tipping culture.

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eetoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldSelect a tip
    5 days ago

    Show me exactly where I defended the system. Show me a single line.

    You’re just leaving yourself a convenient back door to not tip while benefitting from tipping culture.

    Trying to guilt people into tipping

    But if you would like to go somewhere that expects tips, you better fucking tip

    Literally telling people to tip.

    If you go to a restaurant that expects tips and you don’t tip, you are keeping them in business while screwing over the person working.

    If nobody tipped at those restaurants nobody would work at those restaurants and those restaurants would have to either start paying livable wage or go out of business.

    I said if you don’t want tipping to continue, you can’t support restaurants that tip.

    And I agree. I avoid going to such restaurants if given a chance. But if circumstances require going to such a restaurant do you really think tipping at that restaurant is less beneficial to the restaurant than not tipping?

    In that scenario you are perpetuating the system by participating in it. It’s a choice.

    If circumstances force me to participate then I should go all the way? Is that what you’re saying? So if a vegan orders a plate that happens to have meat in it then the vegan should eat that meat? After-all they’ve already participated by ordering something with meat.

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eetoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldSelect a tip
    5 days ago

    But you are defending the system. You’re literally saying if you end up in a place that expects tipping then you should tip. What if you’re going out with a group and that group decides to go somewhere that expects tipping? Are you supposed to remove yourself from the group so you wouldn’t go into a place like that?

    You can’t take this black and white stance where if you end up participating in this system you also have to perpetuate that system. Making the customer feel like they’re responsible for the livelihood of the staff is how this tipping culture is kept alive and that is exactly what you’re doing right now. You’re trying to claim we are responsible for their livelihood simply because we stepped into the restaurant and ate.

  • I would happily pay more for my meal if it meant I didn’t have to tip. The benefit we get from not tipping is marginal compared to the benefit restaurant owners get by not paying living wage. Not to mention it’s added stress to the actual people doing the work because they don’t even get the guarantee of a decent paycheck.

    And there is a choice, you chose to perpetuate the system that grossly exploits the laborer, I choose to have minimal participation in such a system. Want to take a guess which of the two actually has a chance to fix the system?

  • I feel like this is a misrepresentation of Marxs work either by misunderstanding his work or by not being familiar with his works. And not every Marxists waits for a revolution, it’s mostly orthodox Marxists (or Marxist-leninists) who are hoping for a revolution. Revisionist Marxists, such a democratic socialists, don’t necessarily believe in a revolution or even outright reject a revolution.

    Being a Marxist doesn’t mean you need to agree with everything Marx wrote. I don’t agree with his revolutionary ideas, but I think his criticism of capitalism is accurate because I’ve yet to see any compelling counterarguments to his fundamental points. Me not agreeing with his inevitable revolution doesn’t mean I’m not a Marxist, it means I’m not an orthodox Marxist.

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldFeelin free
    13 days ago

    We’re more productive than ever and there’s more of us than ever and your conclusion to that information is that of course we should also be working more than ever?

    You don’t question that if there’s more of us and we’re all more productive, then we should be doing less work? Because if we were able to meet our needs before then it should be even easier to meet our needs now as we’re more productive per person than before and we also have even more people capable of doing the work.

    What you’re saying makes sense only if you put the production of goods above the wellbeing of the people producing the goods. So ask yourself, what’s the purpose of producing goods? If it’s not for us then who is it for?