Comparing users to MAU seems disingenuous. The fediverse has ~12 million users, according to fedidb and around 1.1 million active ones.
Most of them on Mastodon.
I am talking about Austria. Its mostly reusable ones made of fabric, or really sturdy plastic/wofen plastic. If you need a oneway one it’s paper. We anyway had to pay for the shoppingbags as long as I can remember.
Thanks for the answer. I was really surprised how little people complained when the shop ones stopped existing. Seems like induced demand. Back then I kept a few, because they are so handy. Well, never used one.
Sorry, fixed it.
Die Rechtskonservativen und die Rechtsextremen ergo “die Rechten”.
Das Lied ist 2004 rausgekommen… Da hätt man noch recht chillig und recht billig alles in die richtigen Bahnen lenken können. Vielen Dank an die rechten Arschlöcher für die zerstörung unserer Lebensgrundlage.
Wir wissen alle was ihr macht…
Yeah, but they are…
Love EVs, hate Musk… not sure how to feel :-/
I said it before and I’ll say it again, nuclear proliferation and corruption are the only real reasons to build NPPs. If you build for the climate you build renewable!
I am pretty sure the EU will soon reach the final phase of the electricity transition. Soon it will be more about balancing the grid with storage and upgrading the electricity network and no longer about build out rates of solar and Wind.
“Enlightened” centrism is not the answer…
Eine deutsche Kleinstpartei versauts für ganz Europa. Mit den Neoliberalen ist kein Staat zu machen.
I think both. But either way, I am fine.
Nice example of a false equivalency…
AbEr eS kÖnNTe noCH wEniGer SeiN 🤓
Ist ja kein entweder/oder Szenario. Es werden Erneuerbare werden…