I bought a BOM in a box from West3D. I would say the build took 40 hours or so. This includes figuring out what parts to print, mechanical assembly, wiring, and getting klipper up and running.
Edit: maybe 30-40 hours as a guess. I wasn’t rushing and built over the course of two months or so as I had time I could spend. I bet I could cut that down a lot on a second build, but even a fast build is going to be 10-15 hours. Things to be careful of: grabbing the correct pull/belts for the z motors when doing initial assembly, otherwise you’ll have to tear down later, and belt routing for the gantry. I had to redo that one too, but tear down was less intensive to fix that one.
Lots of very general light chat and shit posts. It doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of revenue potential there.