Well this was kinda my opinion going in, so I wanted a different perspective lol.
Well this was kinda my opinion going in, so I wanted a different perspective lol.
I see. So there is supposed to be an authoritarian state in the transitionary period, is what you are saying?
Interesting, I was under the impression the real life forms had just failed; one group got into power and just said “naw” and then stayed in that authoritarian ‘state.’
That doesn’t answer my question unfortunately. In fact kinda muddies the water. Wikipedia says that it strives to be stateless, but how does that contend with the real life versions of communism that most certainly have a state?
Well no to be more accurate, the op was full of shit and couldn’t back it up when asked, thus what they said can be ignored. Like if we were in my lab, I would make you do laps for even bringing it up.
That’s not how it works tho. If you make a claim, the responsibilities of evidence are on the person who made the claim.
Can’t back it up? Then it’s bullshit.
This is day 1 scientific method stuff, bud, it’s not about holding hands, it’s about whether you actually have any repeatable data to backup your claims. If you don’t, you probably shouldn’t be saying it as fact.
I absolutely reject the notion of food science being common knowledge. If you can’t back up what you say with anything when asked, you are simply lying, full of shit, or haven’t actually proved what you claimed.
Yes I know there are regional differences in how food is made that is my whole point. I’m saying there is difference in quality between the two countries, but that has no link to degradation of cornmeal which is what the op claimed, said “I did a study” and everyone just believed them when they quite literally cannot backup what they said.
How hard is it to keep your conjecture to yourself or just simply backup what you claimed?
This person is almost selfdesctructive and just wants to argue, take a look at their comment history. They don’t realize they are actually pushing people away from being sympathetic to Palestinians by being this impetulent person who consistently argues in bad faith. You see them all over lemmy.
The point of my comment was to call out the comment poster because it’s obvious they were using their own conjecture and just saying “I did a study.” Very common in this community because people just trust what other people say on face value. The fact they never followed up with anything at all means it was a bot or a dumbass just spouting off at the mouth about some bullshit. I appreciate you taking the time to find similar studies though, thank you.
I was not arguing anything except, “please show me where you read that” because I don’t know about this subject. But if you make a claim about a subject, you should be able to back it up or you’re lying.
I find it hard to buy that Mexican tortilla companies somehow buy only heirloom corn and American companies don’t. We know exactly why the tortillas suck in the US and it’s not cornmeal degradation ffs.
Highly recommend using cream installer or some other dlc grabber, I think it runs for like $500 if you buy all the dlc.
Hahahaha so the “thanks Mom,” was just banter then and not rude at all? Moron.
When you’re at the beach or some body of water and the dirt, mud, or sand gets on your hands, you get out of the water and start to dry off. I despise the feeling when your hands dry out.
It’s at 0 now! No clue what that says having been previously negative haha
I too, like to post idiotic things on the Internet.
I don’t need to check out the differences in other foods because that isn’t relevant to this discussion. It may be relevant but then you would need to provide evidence of that connection, when it would be probably easier to cite the original source they spoke of, instead of having to provide two different sets of data.
I’m also curious how the degradation of cornmeal even happened, which I’m sure this study would touch on.
I’m going to be honest here, I’m highly skeptical of the quality of cornmeal leading to lower quality tortillas. This is mainly because we already know why they are bad in the states. Not to mention the comment iteself is written like it was a conclusion made in conjecture.
Please cite the study you read/wrote that concludes cornmeal is the reason behind why corn tortillas are so bad in the us and that the deterioration of cornmeal is what led to it.
(Spoiler for anyone reading this, they didn’t have a source and were talking out of their ass about this subject. 0 evidence to back up their claim. Typical of lemmy.)
They aren’t wrong. Corn tortillas in USA are a crime to most hispanics. Go across the border and it’s night and day. Same thing with the bread here.
Unless you’re like a person who is astute at picking up very minute differences, you likely won’t taste a difference.
New PC, new chain and sprocket for my moto, or pay down some debt would be nice, ain’t gonna happen tho lol.
I had to drive to rural mexico, ‘we’ are making pazole and tamales.
This doesn’t really answer any of my questions, only raises more. Unless of course he is making the point that an authoritarian government is the “saving up for the house” but it’s clear with his next statements in the interview, that’s not the case.