Even totally blind people can usually detect light as painful, slightly less dark darkness. That’s actually why so many wear dark sunglasses
Even totally blind people can usually detect light as painful, slightly less dark darkness. That’s actually why so many wear dark sunglasses
Hate most of the things, but some of them are cool. Mud daubers are friends
Idk, I don’t even pay that much for kosher food and the smallest and cheapest kosher burger I’ve ever seen cost $5 with $10 being closer to the average
Did you pay $16.95 for lettuce? Tf kinda restaurant did you go to?
Sounds good to me. My only real complaint about solar panels is the space they occupy. That complaint goes away if that space can also be used for crops. It’s a win/win
I think the report is sent to the admins of the instance you’re logged into. Basically, you’re reporting to yourself
You can carve a perfect replica of your camera with the parts on the wrong side and use a mirror to reverse it
You need to weigh the feet down, but I’m willing to help. Cheap shoes and duct tape should do the trick
I know it’s not quite the same, but Song of the Beast by Carol Berg is kinda like this. The book starts after the main character is released from a 20 year prison sentence and he’s trying to find out why he was in there in the first place
Mulan gets shit done. Most of the others don’t even have any confirmed kills
Why would we change it though? We’d need to change way too much in order to do that. Just because the system started with fingers, doesn’t mean fingers is where it is now
I need to test this
Fuck, shit, ass, bitch. Let’s see which words get removed if any
That top guy seems like a strong candidate
I don’t really mind the non-replacable batteries tbh. Water resistance is much harder when you need to design your phone with a removable battery.
I do want the SD card slots back though. I don’t care about having two Sim cards, I want my enormous local storage that I can transfer in 8-10 seconds back
What I wanna know is how Kirby has more lore than My Little Pony. He’s a blob with a one-word vocabulary.
He’s got a surprising amount of lore attached. He’s also canonically way more powerful than you’d expect
Yes. It’s a pain in the ass though since the pirated versions run at nearly twice the frame rate sometimes
Image transcription: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Technically it is, but that doesn’t mean I don’t hate it