Oh ok. Thank you.
Ooh this looks great! Small request though, can the “upgrade” and “back” buttons be swapped? In most other UIs (both in the game and elsewhere) the confirm/primary function is on the right, with the cancel option on the left. Either way, this seems like a great QoL change!
Looks much cleaner! Are the other tabs for trinkets and notes about stuff made by the player?
This was a change I hadn’t realised that we needed - the splash art is amazing but needed tying in to the textures in-game so this is a perfect way to do this. I think the succubus could definitely do with a bit of work but most the other stuff I LOVE! Especially the Yog texture and the goo with teeth. It will take a lot of getting used to and the game will feel very different for a while but I’m already excited!!