Einfacher Litmus-Test dazu:
Vergöttlichst du Elon Musk also Erfinder und Zukunftsretter oder ist er auch Teil der Elite?
Einfacher Litmus-Test dazu:
Vergöttlichst du Elon Musk also Erfinder und Zukunftsretter oder ist er auch Teil der Elite?
Martyrdom is my guess
Martyrdom, probably
Alleine in meiner Region sind schon mehrere hunderte Traktoren unterwegs, ich drück dir die Daumen!
Didn’t he already mention this last year?
An armed dog ate my home work
That’s what OP wrote before they edited their comment
Hatte ich eben, 20 Minuten spät zum Termin weil ich 200m entfernt aufm Klo im Holiday Inn saß… Hasse es manchmal
Good read, thanks!
Germans beat ya to it
The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.
I asked myself the same question, but it’s really not relevant. It was a pretrial jail, ergo, he was innocent at the time of his death.
Also prison shouldn’t be a “and maybe you might die” situation. The punishment is set by a judge, not prison guards or wardens.
Because personal information is intrinsically linked to your person. Have you never heard of swatting or similar hoaxes that “fans” concoct to fuck with streamers and influencers?
I’m only emotional attracted to bees so we call ourselves borlo, as such I give you the right to use the slur “koon”, please use it everywhere you like to spread the word of me and my folk
That’s a fair point. But in a world that values money above all else, that’s not just a divide in wealth and ownership but a divide in power.
I recently heard it phrased like this:
Capitalism is built on hierarchy, which means someone fundamentally NEEDS to be at the bottom. There is no way around it, someone needs to suffer.
Pretty sure that’s illegal under EU law
lmao no way in hell this is legally binding