Are they still allowed on Lemmy?
You should get an award for doing meticulous and careful research.
This guy understands how the world works.
Crazy how they say that they developed one toy “after learning that many women’s first sexual experience involved water.”
Like, how is there no research about this that you can just look up and then design products accordingly? Seems like sexology is a totally underexplored field of research.
Somehow meta is only in the press for its mistakes. Are they just not doing anything well, except for keeping Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp running?
I stopped reading after the first example. One of them is described as “good” and the other as “bad”. The bad one though does not actually fix the errors in the good one, but just leaves them out. The good one seems to be only an introduction. The bad one seems to be trying to convey content. Surely not very well, but comparing an introduction with content is like comparing apples with pears.
Maybe we should just completely deanonymise the internet, and have everyone sign up with their passport for every service. What if that’s the only way to rescue it now? What if all our options now are to either wade through garbage in private, or interact with real people but without any form of anonymity?
Yeah, or make a scene and be rich. What would you do?
Is this a US university? I’d imagine this Megan Finger here could sue for millions of punitive damages for getting such a username.
What’s your family situation? Always when I was single as an adult, I dreaded Christmas. Now with kids, Christmas is a lot of fun, because it’s fun for the kids. New Year’s is just a nice reason to invite some friends over.
I don’t know the answer to the question, but what would happen if Christians changed to an Ai-“improved” bible?
Headline was altered to 85 dead.
Wasn’t the problem with the blown put door for example that the official Boeing maintenance contractors just didn’t fix it right? Or was that not “maintenance” but rather “retrofitting”?
I honestly don’t quite remember.
I usually really like these comics, no matter how dark or weird they are. But this one somehow offends me. It somehow gives the impression that black people are only capable of black magic, which would be destructive, and white people are only able to heal. And that feeds into the racist idea that black people are damaging or something. Well, maybe I’m just missing the point.
The link is to 2023?
Thought the same. There are surely more modern CMSs out there by now?