I appreciate that. She was an amazing person. I told her she was just dying so she didn’t have to suffer through another Trump presidency.
I appreciate that. She was an amazing person. I told her she was just dying so she didn’t have to suffer through another Trump presidency.
When I took my pixel 8 pro to ubreakifix they told me they don’t fix them there at all… They just send it to Google. Why would I ever go there if I could just send it to Google myself? It’s such a stupid place to have as an official warranty provider
31 days of perfect health and then drop dead? Or 31 days of slow, debilitating, crushing agony and pain and then death? I just lost my best friend to perotineal cancer, from diagnosis to her passing was 97 days. She made plans to travel with her daughter, spend time with friends, write a will, etc. but she ended up spending a majority of that time in the hospital on heavy duty narcotics and offer her nut because of them. I don’t think anyone would plan on spending their last 31 days like that but it’s more realistic.
Tldr: do the things you would do with news like this now… Don’t wait until it might be impossible.
It’s the pyramid scheme of religion: you only get saved if you brought a bunch of people to the religion cult. Only 144000 people will be saved. At a certain point there are no more people to bring to the cult and the bottom ones/newest initiates won’t have anyway to make money get saved
Descent for me. This or some kmfdm.
What the font is such a great tool!
I’m sure they will blame the libs and the Democrats for it because they are the ones pushing for a bigger minimum wage. Without it, employer’s can collude to drive down wages, making higher paying alternative jobs non existent. Everything pays pennies!
I have a mikrotik at home and generally believe it to be a very solid product. A take aways from this hack:
mikrotik doesn’t bill themselves as “consumer grade”. It’s a huge learning curve to get started with them. There are graphical tools but it’s not much different then Cisco or juniper. You can put in bad or faulty configurations and the router will happily do the bad or faulty things you told it to.
It only effects routers that are severely misconfigured routers. You need specific services turned on, and have dns grossly misconfigured. Depending on your use case at home it is doubtful a hone user would do this. Also
the man thing I don’t like about my device is that the software isn’t open source. The hardware is quite well known tho and there are ports of *wrt and opensense that run on it , plus you probably could just run a Linux distro on it if you wanted. The bootloader isn’t locked down. It’s an arm64 computer with a lot of network ports.
That being said I really like the router itself. Performance is great, price is amazing. It does anything and everything I ask it to.
ADL: he’s not making a swastika, he is making that reverse swastika Sanskrit thing that no one can tell the difference anyway… Or something like that
It’s easy to get out of hand when modding your printer. When I first got my tronxy in 2017 or 2018 the only planned mod was to put a duet 2 clone in instead of the garbage chitu control board. But the extruder sucked as well. Clone slice mosquito fixed that. Then I realized the extruder drive had a 700mm Bowden to the print head, and I wanted to print fast, so I asked Santa (my wife) for a zesty nimble (this was years before the orbiter direct drive). I had 3 vslot wheels disintegrate in a week and voron was using a cheap but high quality linear rails so why not? Then I built a couple of industrial kit printers for a friend, modix and raise3d. They weren’t much more complicated then what I had, and I’m learning some cad so I designed a quad z system with rails and smooth rods like the modix. I had another fried edm machine part of the z sleds. It was so over engineered that I needed to put a bed worthy enough in top and that was the 400mm 3/8" thick tool plate. A heater to match, 400mm ac bed topped with 1/4’ borosilicate glass.
This took time over several years. I would grab my z motion control and publish it somewhere because it’s pretty simple but very effective.
Anyway… It has been a lot more fun and educational modding the printer then making silly doodads and fidget toys with it for sure.
Perfect! I will read through the site for some insight.
I didn’t change the extruder, I just changed the driving motor. There is the chance of backlash because of the way the drive cable works. I suppose it could be wearing out … or I am getting a lot of back pressure in the mot end causing it to slip. I plan on taking apart the nimble and replacing the bearings and relubing everything tonight or tomorrow. Plus a pid tube, if I am running too cold or something. Duet has changed their pid model several times and I haven’t retuned it in several firmware upgrades
There is the flex3drive… Pretty similar in design. They claim the number is a copy of their extruder. Dunno if it is or not.
I think the nimble never really caught on because of cost more then anything. Also it’s not ideal for an enclosed printer as the drive cable needs room to move. I just use it to support my wires and my reverse Bowden tube tho.
Each corner of the bed has a linear rod running up the clot, a lead screw in the middle, and then a had mounted 8 mm smooth rod on the other side.
My thought as well is I have a bent screw or something out of alignment but the bed feels like to moves without shifting back and forth.
Also, the frequency of the banding is different each time, even though I am printing with the same speed and settings each time.
I do have two different lead screw couplers on it (the spring style and the one with the rubber star in the center). I have the parts to make them all the same., so maybe I will give that a try and check my lead screws alignment at the same time.
Any recommendations on an anti-wobble nut that is printable or inexpensive?
Everything runs on linear rails, since it is corexy the y axis has two, the rail where the extruder rides has one, and the bed has 4 linear rails on each corner. I will hit them with some lube tomorrow and see if it helps.
I got the zesty nimble v2 as a Christmas present about 6 months after it came out and loved it right away. It is a remote direct drive extruder. It weights almost nothing and I can print pretty fast. Unfortunately zesty tech seems to have gone out of business. I had a beating on the worm gear go bad once… Maybe it has happened again as well… I think I have some extra beatings lying around so maybe I will swap them out again as well, in case it is getting hung up internally or something.
I will certainly give it a try!
Absolutely could. I use 400 steps per rev motors and believe I have tuned them correctly, all my prints are seemingly dimensionally accurate. A xyz calibration cube measures accurate with some dial calipers. But there is lots of suggestion on the search engine that I am having an issue with belt tension. I just don’t know where to start with figuring that out.
I do use a micrometer to measure, tho not a super .expensive one … I have found it to be pretty precise
The zesty nimble is crazy gear reduction. On 16x micro stepping on a 200 steps per rev you start tuning at 1800 steps per mm. The gear ratio is 30:1. Because of so many steps per mm I have my extruder motor running at 525 milliamps… It really does effect extrusion, per recommendations. I can go lower if I raise my printing temp but then I get stringing. Anyway…
I designed my own bed movement using 4 linear rails and z-screws and it was suggested to me that the spring couplets maybe causing the issue. I ordered 4 solid couplers to see if it is a backlash issue.
There is really no reason for your ender to stop functioning. 90% of it is off the shelf parts, and things like wiring harnesses and custom stuff are also available.
My boss, who as far as I can tell, still supports Trump, but is getting super pissed off. One of our suppliers in Canada wrote us a very earnest letter in mid January about how the upcoming tariffs were probably going to destroy his business, but he still wanted to be there to provide is excellent made in Canada parts. He said he would be forced to raise costs 25 percent on February 2nd. My boss got worried and put in 40-50 grand worth or orders that day to several of our Canadian suppliers, just for the Feb 2 to some around and Trump to say “sike!”. Now he is pissed that Trump is going to the Superbowl “how much is it going to cost us in taxes?”. His decisions to support trump are biting him where it really hurts: his wallet. It’s hard for me to remove the grin from my face.