• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • How can it be personal attacks. It is simple logic. I give you a simple example -> The research conducted in certain countries usually is based on industry needs of the country. In China, for example, the have demand in the technology of space exploration and High-speed rail. So you’ll see a lot of research being churned out speedily by a number of local researchers due to the immediate demand in the country. You’ve touched about ball bearing tech, for example, and this is an example of recent research article for that which could be beneficial in the HSR areas. When those people in the same country citing each other, we can’t simply claim they’re doing it as a matter of convenience. It could be an indicator that the subject itself is the top priority in the country.

    Another point to consider -> If the journal where the article have been written is in the Scopus index, there’s even low probability for the work to be of low value, no matter who has been citing them.

    Of course that the general idea, but there’s still room to debate.

  • which countries are they? I guess somewhere in Europe?

    In my country which is fairly progressing, (and I presume most South East Asia countries at least), the infrastructure are not conducive to riders or even pedestrians. Roads are build with no pavement for people to walk by, even in residential areas. The bicycle lane are pathetically small and narrowly designed that riders have to dangerously share the small strips of lane with other vehicles. People will use car even when going to shops that will only take 5 minutes walk.

    They want to reduce the cost of constructions, I guess. But I wonder how much the country can save in the healhcare system by providing good infrastructure resulting in health-minded citizens that prefer to walk and ride.