They Just stopped expanding then?
They Just stopped expanding then?
Didn’t they try to make their own ISP and then left it behind?
Parts of old games.
That’s the main purpose of that cams. Slow drivers on strategic spots that have more chances of accidents.
You would guess that someone who scape north Korea would had some benefits for reintegration, akin Cubans thar manage to get into mainland US. At least for the propaganda, you can bet NK is going to use him as example of why there better that SK.
Wes Anderson’s version of the peddlington bear (not sure if I’m writing it right)
When you keep drinking energy drinks but never leave your gamer chair you have the energy to this and more.
They were also the “Freeze Peach”™ subreddit, and if you dare to talk about how they let racism, transfobia and other shit pass on they would ban you even if you never commented on their subreddit.
I personally prefer to work in the office, but when there’s no-one else on it. When offices started opening up again, going to the office and having the floor to myself was fantastic. It’s felt like in my college years studying late in the library. I had all the resources I needed and there were no chit-chat in the background or people coming in to talk to me.
> Go to the office
> All meetings are on teams because half the team works on other offices.
It was customary in r/Brasil to never mention the other subreddit, but yes I’m talking about that one.
The guy who admin my lemmy instance is also the mod of r/Brasil and he and the Brazilian mod team worked a lot to avoid the subreddit to become an alt-right shithole like the rest of country subreddits (the losers from the alt-right national subreddit even had to pay for reddit ads to try to funnel user there).
If I wait for the Torrent release an FBI agent is going to come to my house for that?
If I remember something kn my econ 101 class, they’re going up 2.5%, because taxes are not entirely pass to the consumer, they take a part of the company earnings too.
In the same way that a developer should program things that are user proof, language developers should program languages that are dev proof.
There’s this shit that younger people in São Paulo do in techno parties that is that they start screaming “hue hue hue hue…” and interrupt the music the DJ is playing and is fucking annoying, but I can’t really complain, I love to clap with the folding hand fan, I know some people don’t like it but I found that in general it gave good reactions (have never talked about it with DJs to know what they think about it).
Is the cover pic for a DJ set. I mod a techno (99% Brazilian funk) community, and every other day I link a set an use the cover as pic
Half the users passwords is going to be {Company}@{YEAR}
Northernlion before playing the binding of Isaac.
Just guessing, but maybe the gun lobby is not bigger because the voter base is already big and easy to move, so they don’t need to lobby politicians when they can treat them to be voted out.