Antichamber is the game like Portal
Antichamber is the game like Portal
Deathloop is the same genre
Well the last one was One so this one must be Two
For someone raised in a city, all bears are strange. Whereas, a man has to have some visible deviation from normal behaviour like a red armband or an anime porn hoodie in order to be strange.
Sex workers are real workers, but princesses are sex bourgeoisie.
These pods are only used on rails with very low ridership. They would switch to a train if ridership increased.
Look at it this way: you can have a train that has a capacity of 100 people, but it only runs once a day due to the low demand, and only 2 people want to ride it at that time of day…Or you can have 10 pods, which do not require as much railway maintenance, and they can carry the 10 people who actually want to use this railway, completely on demand.
Yeah, a train is better if you want to move ten thousand people a day at peak hour. But this is a cheaper way to move ten people at different times across a day. And it’s a cheaper way of inducing the demand that would justify the more efficient kind of expansion.
Yeah, we don’t have laundromats in my country except for student housing and similar facilities. Laundry machines are ubiquitous in houses and apartments, even the small crappy ones.
I think they mean weird, not wired
Whereas in a communist economy where people didn’t have to struggle to survive, game developers could focus on improving their craft and telling whatever the funnest story they can think of is. We can already see this on a small scale with the difference between indie passion projects like Hades, and AAAA cash grabs like suicide squad. Imagine if everyone could afford to chase their passion instead of money.
I work for Belethor, at the general goods store
I don’t think there’s anything cowardly about refusing to support Netanyahu’s antisemitic government, except that she wasn’t a bit firmer about it.
I think refusing to support an antisemitic government like Israel is brave.
According to the game sales industry, providing a useful service is anticompetitive behaviour, because you might steal customers from the platforms that are screwing everyone.
Okay so the lesson to learn from the mainstream success of StarCraft is to put sexy submissive and breedable murderous bugs in your game
Using my sense of affective empathy, I see that you’re scared of me because I’m disabled. Using my sense of cognitive empathy, I make an educated guess that you’ve accepted a bunch of stereotypes about disabled people as true without seriously checking them. Putting myself in your shoes, I can only imagine I would take such a confrontational stance with someone just for how they were born, if I was scared absolutely shitless. Drawing on my own experience as a person living with NPD, and factoring in your lack of experience, I don’t believe at all what you’re saying about neurotypicals having empathy for people with NPD by default and making a conscious choice to turn it off. I’ve been in thousands of situations where a neurotypical interacted with a person living with NPD, involving thousands of neurotypicals. I only know of one time you’ve been in such a situation.
Sorry, but my empathy is very deeply impaired and there’s almost nothing I can do about it. The empathy I feel for others is very finely tuned, I have plenty of it, I always know and understand what other people are feeling. But the empathy I GET from others is nearly nothing. I receive an impaired sense of empathy from neurotypicals. Other people with NPD have been very kind to me, but neurotypicals make a choice not to put in the 10% extra effort it takes to feel empathy for a person with NPD. That’s why you think I’m toxic. You’re choosing not to feel empathy for me. You’re choosing not to understand the position I’m in, and so when I complain about a problem or try to fix it, you think I’m complaining about nothing.
The only thing I can do to resolve my problems with empathy is to campaign for greater recognition of the fact that we disabled people ARE people. Whether you choose to listen is something entirely out of my control.
I’ve never been toxic on Lemmy, and I’ve never violated the rules of an instance or community I was commenting on. I do however have a disability I’ve been banned for, and I’ve espoused pro-trans political views that certain admins have taken issue with.
I actually got banned from startrek.website, the instance I’m leaving this comment from, for a while. They thought I was faking being trans. After a few months, it became clear I’m not faking, and they apologised and here I am.
I’m quite open about being Drone Rights. I’ve never hidden it. Some people have tried to gotcha with “you’re drone rights”, and I said “yes… That’s obvious. I even moderate the community from this account.” But there’s another person who is closeted about their gender and has been accused of being me by an instance admin who claims to have access to secret logs that say we’re the same person. Given that I have faced massive amounts of harassment, abuse, and transphobia for being openly dronegender, and they are not open about their gender, you can see how I would not want them to be exposed to people like you.
I told you they did a bad job doxxing me. You didn’t fact check shit. You just tried to take a peek at someone else’s private information. There are privacy-respecting methods of fact checking that would actually work in this situation, and you didn’t use them.
Terra Nil. It’s an anti city builder. Land in a polluted wasteland, clean the soil, plant seeds, set up ecosystems, make sure they can persist without you, and recycle all your structures before you leave. Appreciate the beauty of the natural ecosystem you restored as you fly away.
I want more games like this.