Neat! The smoothie bike link in that post is also cool and it would match with my workout. Prep ingredients, pedal, drink!
Neat! The smoothie bike link in that post is also cool and it would match with my workout. Prep ingredients, pedal, drink!
It would be great to have a idea of how the two compare because I was looking for something to handle bookmarks and archives across devices
Does anyone here have any tips on low cost ways to vent out these residues from 3D printing?
I think the wealth of nations is not that old
Another year of this shit? I don’t think we can take it, honestly
Well, shit. I thought you were gonna write a paragraph with an overview not these awesome and detailed instructions! This is great! Thanks kindly, saved for my next free time of server tweaking.
Can show us how you configured the internal part?
I saw people using signal for announcements only by restricting posting messages to group chat admins. Is that similar to what you’re looking for?
You hinted at a possibly better version control system at the end there viz merge conflicts. Can you let us know which ones you think are better at this? The amount of time I waste on that at work is bonkers.
What are the alternatives you prefer?
How do you pay with monero in a private way? Do you have to know a guy and pay them in cash for the digital coins or what?
Yeah, just pull the plug. The amount of time we waste talking about this shit for these assholes to play another round of monopoly is unbelievable
Yeah, this bummed me out in the game, a bit. Not like I was not expecting it though.
At a first glance my brain parsed that as a slingshot.
That’s disappointing :/ do you have a source you could share?
Also, I’m confused about the versions available. From the comments here, there seems to be a free and paid version. But if I go to FDroid there’s obly the “pro version” there. That’s what I’ve been using and I see no ads. Where is the other one at?
using drinking water for street cleaning? watering lawns?
It doesn’t help that most people’s Ecological awareness is such a complete total joke that even for those who believe themselves as ecologically-minded ends at the point were they’re faced with, say, walking to take their kids to a school less than 1km away instead of going by car
This tracks. Whenever I visit Portuguese relatives I’m always surprised by how quickly they default to the car. Once, it was literally to just take us to a train station that we could see with our eyes from where we were staying.
Weren’t a bunch of politicians caught in a scandal there recently about deals with fossil fuel companies?
Have a look here friend, maybe you’ll find something to your liking: