where did you get Waterfox on Android? The Playstore or F droid?
where did you get Waterfox on Android? The Playstore or F droid?
interesting, so you just back up your ~/.password-store directory? You use the same thing on Android or something else?/
I am using KeePass, it generates password and also TOTP. Works fine but I want to switch to something more Linuxy. Keepass is great but you really depend on a 3rd party.
the GNU pass encrypt using gpg? How do you transfer between devices, using cloud?
Do you script it so when it is an Ebay/Amazon link, Libre Wolf is opened? Or you just remember to do so?/
funny how with sooooo many updates, Windows are still very vulnerable. You buy a Windows PC, you better equip Antivirus software too; it is like bread and butter. On Linux and also Mac, you never need to worry about these things.
I use vi from an Emacs Shell, which was spawned from an Emacs GUI.
want to show off? i3wm with gaps and rofi for menu launcher. Add it some transparency effects too.
want the MacOS style? Gnome. Default on a lot of distros.
want something stable? XFCE. Install and forget.
thanks, i asked because the Google PlayStore has WaterFox from waterfox.net. Not sure if this is real or fake, because other Fox forks can only be installed from Fdroid like Mull/Fennec