They were advertising in the Mexico City Airport yesterday when I was there.
They were advertising in the Mexico City Airport yesterday when I was there.
It’s still Saturnalia, so roles are reversed. You can be king for another day or so
Maybe you are royalty instead, with your porcelain throne and all that.
Holy Shit (pun intended)!!!
The smoke that comes out of computers sometimes is caused by the little people getting pissed off and lighting little fires out of protest.
Get Irving Finkel on the case!
Too soon…
The Phœnicians have entered the chat
That is absolute gold right there
Yep Yep Yep!
Now I’m sad again :(
-that kid tiger, probably
That Dragonforce song is amazing!!
Where does Hevisaurus fit in this?
Imagine working so hard, you end up getting birthed by a billionaire! Keep pulling those bootstraps peasants!
Disney has been using Steamboat Willy in the beginning credits of their shows/movies for a while now. They are attempting to make it a Trademark (since the copyright wouldn’t be extended further). Since Trademarks must be defended, Disney will likely start suing anyone using Steamboat Willy on grounds of Trademark violation.