• 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • He adds:

    “This is going right into the supply chain,” he added. “And when you have terror going into the supply chain, it makes people ask the question: ‘What the hell is next?’”

    Which makes perfect sense.

    It appears the terrorists aren’t thinking ahead concerning their tampering with the supply chain and one might wonder what other dreadful developments might unfold from this.

    Further, they’re showing little regard to innocent people being maimed and killed. It’s not surprising, but it’s horrible nonetheless.

  • Can someone help me understand this?

    While drawing criticism for limiting Python execution to locked-down Azure cloud containers, Python in Excel has also earned accolades from the likes of Python creator Guido van Rossum, now a Microsoft Distinguished Engineer, as well as Pandas creator Wes McKinney.

    Does this mean the creator of the Python language is a Microsoft employee now?

    Further, does this mean that Python in spreadsheets only works in the cloud MS Office?

    Then there’s this:

    Left unmentioned in Monday’s announcement is that Microsoft managed to convince the USPTO to issue it a patent in July 2024 on the Enhanced Integration of Spreadsheets With External Environments (alt. source), which Microsoft explains covers the “implementation of enhanced integrations of native spreadsheet environments with external resources such as-but not limited to-Python.” All of which may come as a surprise to software vendors and individuals that were integrating Excel and external programming environments years before Microsoft filed its patent application in September 2022.

    What are the implications now that this patent has been granted - considering there is nothing new with running scripting languages in spreadsheet applications like Libre Office Calc?

    And I wonder: if a spreadsheet application vendor wanted to incorporate scripting in Python in their application, could they be hindered from doing so?

    I’m curious to hear the thoughts of others on any of this news. Thank you.

  • It’s incredible to what lengths this racist and his cohorts went to bring harm unto others. Notably, immigrants who gave up all they had because of great desperation.

    Imagine if you will, going from one hell and entering another where people like Thomas Birley placed flaming bins by the hotel exit door. Subsequently adding wood to fuel the fire further.

    And if this doesn’t go far enough to demonstrate the trauma he and his fellow racists wrought, the hotel staff’s reaction might lend some insight on that:

    The judge Jeremy Richardson KC heard how 22 staff in the hotel barricaded themselves into a panic room using freezers and “thought they were going to burn to death”.