Firefox for most browsing (especially youtube with ublock), chrome for facebook.
Firefox for most browsing (especially youtube with ublock), chrome for facebook.
Rich shitbags funding divisive propaganda to make the plebs fight each other and vote against their own interests.
Ah yes the “Full Self Driving” brand of limited autopilot requiring constant human supervision.
No more tricky than windows these days. Nice thing is there’s a lack of commercial BS - spyware, ads, unwanted apps etc. And pretty much no matter how old your computer gets, you can still run brand new linux on it.
Brother laser printer, black and white, ethernet connection. So fast, so reliable. Do you really NEED color? I find that its not that important, and if I need quality prints, like for photos, a 300$ printer isn’t going to cut it anyway.
Ditched video games years back, partly because of RSI issues, partly because getting in to other things. For a while it was mountain biking, currently is music. Also a move that was sort of RSI related, but brought its own RSI issues which I got over eventually. Music is pretty social which is good, but also bad lol.
I was into making for a while there, but have faded from that scene since I moved during the pandemic. Now all the makerspaces are 30 mins or more away and that’s kind of a dealbreaker. I don’t have the space or the funds for my own CNC or wood shop, plus not as motivated without the social aspect.
Other one is skiing which I used to really be into. I’m kinda barely hanging on with that, one or two times a year. The traffic has gotten terrible and the whole thing is super expensive and hassly. I’m bored with local resorts and backcountry is somewhat deadly. It does give me a little motivation for fitness since this years trip will be pretty strenuous.
they are only ‘hardcore’ because of the poor desktop environment integration.
For me it just made it hurt weird, it didn’t make it not hurt. Maybe one of those things where not everyone responds the same way.
Yeah this is a good option - too much ibuprofen is harmful, as is too much acetaminophen. But you can take both together and get double the pain relief.
ineffective for dental pain IMO
Keepassxc works fairly well for me, with a few quirks. Don’t know how it is on apple though.
BeOS went under.
Ed: I was a huge apple fan, bought an apple clone from Power Computing. Then Apple revoked the licensing that allowed all the apple clone companies to exist. That’s when I went to BeOS which would run on my clone, and got a multicore intel machine too. When BeOS went under I tried Suse. Had kind of a sucky UI in my opinion, but I hung in there with linux as an alternative to windows and went Ubuntu/Debian/Arch/Nixos and I’m still on nixos now. Its pretty much my exclusive OS since I quit my job that required windows 5 or 6 years ago.
great analysis video of this
It ain’t easy listening, but there’s nothing else like it. Pretty interesting how it was made.
Probably this article
Don’t worry bro, you can write in Putin
I talk to people who are against corruption, against racism, believe the medical industry is broken, monopolies are bad, etc. Seems we agree on a lot of basic principles yet they are still voting trump tho. WTF?
Looking seriously at this one, especially because my main laptop has power/hinge problems. Waiting on verified linux support tho. Crazy that the thinkpad one is 1K more.
Wow never heard of this platform. RIP