Green will quickly result in having no girlfriend though, unless you come up with some scheme to allow you to never poop in the same building as her.
Green will quickly result in having no girlfriend though, unless you come up with some scheme to allow you to never poop in the same building as her.
Pets should never be a surprise for sure. Having an idea that you’ve got one coming and being willing to take care of it is another story altogether
They fire off these things from civilian areas all the time. I don’t see how it’s so surprising to people that a shitty rocket fired out of a super dense city could fail and hit a building like a hospital.
Misfires happen all the time, but when you’re shooting from within city limits the chance of one leading to tragedy is much higher.
Acting must not be working out for Batista
The analysis I heard earlier today was that after the engine failure the rocket would essentially have the trajectory of a brick. It would have detonated its warhead on impact as expected, but it would also cook off all the remaining fuel since it clearly didn’t reach the intended destination.
First, it was a separate paramilitary group from Hamas called PIJ, second they obviously didn’t intentionally bomb their own hospital. They fired a shitty rocket out of a civilian area, as they typically do, and the engine failed over the hospital.
There is recorded communications between PIJ members talking about the misfire. They just aren’t accepting blame publicly as it’s advantageous to try and pin it on Israel.
I always liked Barq’s better back when I drank pop.
You could always work in cultural resource management. Here in Canada archaeological assessment is a legal requirement before any major construction, so there’s always work to do without begging for investors. That said you’ll be more educated and less paid than other trades-people you’ll encounter on site, and that makes all the hard work certainly feel less rewarding.
FOP? What’s that?
Shredded cheese instead of proper squeaky cheese curds. 😬
There’s a less funny scene about this in Midsommar
I’m quite happy not placing myself in the same American bucket, not sure why anyone would say that.
White cis het boys can be absolutely ruthless to their own. That said the columbine kids were absolutely the bullies not the victims as they are frequently portrayed.
Most rallies don’t involve intentionally keeping locals awake at all hours with train horns. They also smashed windows of businesses that had pride flags, shat and pissed everywhere, threatened staff at one of our local homeless shelters demanding food, and one of my partner’s nursing colleagues recieved rape threats for walking to work in her scrubs and a mask.
Here here! I was safe and sound in the suburbs, but they even made it out my way now and then. Can’t imagine how awful it was for my friends downtown.
That’s one sexy Skeksis