I’ve pondered this. They’d have to go. There can only be one.
I’ve pondered this. They’d have to go. There can only be one.
Multiple economists overwhelmingly stated that his policy proposals were inflationary. MAGA accused them of being “liberals” and disregarded their warnings as fake. Working people aren’t going to be saving anything unless it’s by a sheer cut back in their spending as they try to save money. And of course saving won’t matter if Trump axes FDIC.
Unsurprising considering that Rubio has tied his identity so closely with being anti-Cuba. Many of the Cuban American diaspora in the US echo his sentiments. I like that the article highlights how many medical professionals got their education in Cuba, including a number of Americans.
You know I used to think that things like feeding starving kids was not controversial. But now with people feeling safe behind their keyboards, I have read some of the worst takes from others regarding children. Ironically, always from people who claim to be religious and “pro-life”.
Oh great. First measles now this? My city already had its first outbreak and in public school where kids are supposed to be vaccinated in order to attend.
Many subs already are.