Gah, stupid ninjas cutting onions.
Gah, stupid ninjas cutting onions.
It’s asking for a password. What do I type? Sorry if this is a stupid question, I’m new to this Linux stuff.
Based on this dumpster fire of a headline, I think the take-away can only be that Siemens and other train manufacturers have to start calling their trains “OMEGA RAIL” and “CHUNGUS 3000” or shit like that so it’s worth a news article.
This is what “creative defeat” looks like.
Mine used to, too, but we mostly managed to train it out of him. He’d literally get in your lap and do a combat roll into this kind of thing. I think it was supposed to say “play with me”. Or just cat mischief.
Greenwashing is a bit harsh, no? From what I’ve seen, Fairphone is fairly involved in the improvement of production processes and usage patterns of phones (fairer wages, safer/cleaner ressource extraction, long-term software support, easier repairability for a wide audience) to the extent that this is possible for a relatively small company. They haven’t always delivered on every one of these points, but have had a pretty strong record in recent years, stronger than any other company I know of. Or maybe there are other companies that do this better or similarly well?
Historians will at some point look at this comic strip as a representation of “cringe” that predates the word that later came to describe it.
I agree with some of what you say, but I think the center-left would probably be seen as more left-leaning if they weren’t constantly forced to govern with a neoliberal ankle bracelet on. The popularity of the Greens would also be higher if Conservatives hadn’t declared them as their “main adversary” while there are literal fascists sitting in parliament.
Come to think of it, one thing I truly despise about the current state of AI is its verbosity. You ask the stupidest question, and the response is always some multipage essay (or longer if you ask nicely) that looks all important but is composed of 90% filler and bullshit, until it ends with “In conclusion, …” followed by the actual answer. Enough intelligence to string sentences together ad infinitum but not enough to provide actual answers that fit the question.
English isn’t my first language. What does “tossing one’s hair” mean?
No, it would just be the 🤣 emoji in different colors.
I wouldn’t even call this “aesthetics”. Rather “conceptual homogeneity” or something like that. It’s what happens when you strive for a uniform look over a useful or visually pleasing one.
I swear my upstairs neighbors have bowling balls where other people have feet.
I like the position held by NOYB: Providers of websites that show either a restricted ad-supported version or an unrestricted subscription-based version of the site should be required to offer a third option that is restricted and ad-free for a fee that equals the market value of the information sold to advertisers (usually a few cents per month and per user).
“You should clean this shit lol my legs barely fit”
Kidding of course. Cats always find the most effective way to disrupt what you’re doing, regardless of what your desk looks like.
I mean, a person with a mental disability probably won’t do something like this. A narcissistic billionaire who strongly overestimates his cognitive abilities on the other hand absolutely would.
Perfect example that “popularized” is different from “popular”.
git cashout
Not sure I’ve ever seen an Arch user say that (not saying that never happened, just not anywhere I could’ve encountered it). It’s a meme at this point.