Individualist, Capitalist, Objectivist, Liberal, Transhumanist. Linux User + Certified, Programmer (Web Dev, Rust, a little Python), AI Tinkerer (Mostly Stable Diffusion), Gamer, Science Lover, #NAFO🇺🇦

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • WebOS really was so hard ahead of its time. A card based interface, gesture-based navigation, unified and always online email and account systems. There were many things WebOS did that we take for granted now, yet they did it no less than 5 years before Android or iOS. Really it was just the Palm Pre’s hardware (I had a Palm Pre Plus) that held it back. Some aspects of it were already a bit dated, even in 2010.

  • It’s great seeing HeliBoard come so far, especially after it seemed like OpenBoard was potentially dead. I’m still a (firewalled on CalyxOS) GBoard user, but HeliBoard is the closest I’ve found to a viable replacement for it. I’m definitely looking forward to seeing what future developments it has in store.

  • Neo-Launcher is still being worked on, they are expecting to push version 1.0 later this year to GitHub, but progress has been steady from what I know. You can get the latest beta version of Neo-Launcher from their Telegram to try out. Don’t let the “beta” part turn you off, it’s basically production ready, I’ve been using it now as my launcher for well over a year, possibly even 2 at this point.

  • I know some people won’t like this, but overall I think it is a cleaner look and also makes full use of the screen real estate available. Now it’s not like… 100% ideal from a usage standpoint, but I think it’s better than just having black bars are the top and bottom (or sides in landscape mode), as that just sorta defeats the point of an edge to edge display.