Excuse my dumbness, but how would it be useful if it’s “write-only”. You just put data in the cloud, never to be read again? I’m probably misunderstanding lol
Edit: nevermind, it’s a joke website right?
Yes, it’s definitely helpful to let OP know that there could be issues on Wayland. However, ideally, OP would be able to use Wayland without any issues, or with small issues which might be offset by the benefits of using Wayland (for OP). And especially because switching between the two is literally a click of a button, it’s helpful to just try it first, but, of course, be prepared for issues.
I mean there is no harm in trying Wayland and switching to X11 if it doesn’t work.
Of course, there were good things which came out of the communist regime, but I wouldn’t say that “it worked”.
The people supported the economic system that had free healthcare and education, doubled life expectancies, dramatic improvements in science, made it to space, rapidly industrialized, and dramatically reduced inequality.
Free healthcare still exists in all developed countries other than the US, life expectancies increased all over the world same with improvements in science, the space race was very close between the USSR and the US and the moon landing is very often brought up by US nationalists as well. I would say the industrialization was actually a bit too fast, people were, sometimes forcefully, relocated from rural areas to concrete boxes in cities. As for inequality, yes, there were no billionaires, and, while the quality of life for the poorest was maybe higher than it is today, I’d say the quality of life for average people was lower during communist time.
Even prisoners were paid in the USSR for forced labor, this is ahistorical.
While this may have been true at the beginning, later on, there were no wages. Still, conditions were very poor.
Furthermore, the vast majority of people voted to retain the USSR
Wow, you’re telling me the people who were brainwashed into believing their country is the best (not saying it doesn’t happen nowadays (cough cough USA), voted to retain it?
In my country (Romania) the only point I hear people praising the communist regime about is infrastructure. Why? Because, as it turns out, it’s much easier to build infrastructure when you have slaves prisoners which you don’t have to pay. Of course, the corruption in our post-communist government doesn’t help either.
I agree, capitalism is VERY far from ideal, but, please, stop glazing the USSR regime just because it was “communist”.
Tell this to the people from the former USSR/Eastern Block. I’m not saying communism can’t work in any way, but I am saying that, at least historically, it has not worked.
Doesn’t support my city :(
Yup, where I’m currently living has a great public transport app, even works without Play Services!
Too bad OSM (and by extension this app) doesn’t have public transport directions…
If NVIDIA is significantly better value over AMD in your use case, go team green. If not, I’d go team red and personally I wouldn’t buy NVIDIA just because one day it might be better.
Yes, but still, it’ something that may be commonly required, and Linux can’t do it >!(according to the comment above, I never tried to do it so can’t comment on how hard or easy it is)!<
How communism was implemented historically is similar to fascism
Yes, but “Wayland is trash and will never be better than X” is also misinformation.
Damn the sphinx has cavities, better brush it’s teeth /jk
Soo, they ask about it to help them better understand and maybe change their worldview. What’s wrong with that?
Edit: after reading some of OP’s replies, yeah, they don’t seem like a nice person
Cities: Skylines (would have picked the sequel but doesn’t have that much content yet)
Kerbal Space Program
Minecraft (I guess it’s the ultimate creative game)
There a two kinds of large companies. There are a lot of family-run bussineses who aren’t gonna become evil. (Unless of course their bought-out or something)