I am having difficulty understanding whether it broke its own cycle and is now crying, or broke someone else’s cycle and is now being intimidating.
Disclaimer: I don’t represent KDE in any interaction with this account. I am just freeloading off of the kde.social server.
I am having difficulty understanding whether it broke its own cycle and is now crying, or broke someone else’s cycle and is now being intimidating.
parse-json debug error : empty reply.
“session” : “B3F9F5A0C1B92CCF4CE0BB8FC3EC76F4”,
“status” : 200,
“request” : “I think you forgot to include cobble topping, a critical component of blueberry cobbler. Can you post it again with an updated ingredient list, please?”,
“reply” : “”,
“dbg” : “ERR ChatGPT 4-0 Credits Expired”
I’m not sure if I am suggesting anything.
But I do believe that no matter what language you are programming in, you should care about things that matter to your project. Whether it be memory safety, access security or anything else.
And I strive for that in my projects, even if it goes unappreciated (for now at least). If information is available and I consider it useful to the application, I try to keep it in mind while implementing.
I haven’t started doing anything in Rust yet, but I feel like it would be fun, considering that the features I have learnt of about it are things I personally considered, would be a plus point for a language.
Damn reasonable people pushing back the Nuclear Apocalypse, the Global Heating Armageddon, return to Dark Ages and all such major fun events/s.
Reading this thread, I kinda feel weird.
When I was a child, I use to take tablets for headache (no idea which ones. I was a child.) and almost every time, the headache came back more intense than before, when the effect wore off.
Later, I started understanding that headaches (and other pains) happen for a reason and it is better to find out the reason and fix it, than just turn off the alarm.
So now, even if I get hurt due to something, I say no to pain relievers. This has even saved me from re-injuring a previous injury a few times.
Over here, pain management pills seems more like a last resort and not to be used for something that happens regularly. So, reading about it being treated like cereal, feels pretty weird.
It is not that Rust results in fewer bugs than C++ generally, it is that Google engineers have not been properly trained or motivated.
Why can’t you believe that “these people” believe in both?
Though the “trained” part doesn’t make as much sense as the “motivated” part.
Your reply came out as, one that was trying to refute the claim of some anti-Rust comment. Which the previous comment was not.
The way Rust works, clearly shows that it was developed by people who cared about those things.
And just because something happened in my bubble, doesn’t directly prove it to not be happening anywhere else, just because it doesn’t prove otherwise.
most of those memory bugs were because “engineers didn’t care”
I definitely thing that.
The rest, not so much.
Having a language that guards against that is just one more level of safety, and that’s a good thing.
Yes it is.
But my point simply is, “caring” about stuff needs to be normalised, instead of over-anti-pedantism and answering concerns with stuff like, “chill dude!”.
We know very well that not all bugs are memory related.
, that the world would need. Or the industry adopts Rust (or a similar language) and have lot of security by default for free
I can see you didn’t care to understand the example I gave. Rust wouldn’t have fixed the problem that happened in my bubble.
I can also see, you somehow think I am against Rust, just because I am for people caring about what they write.
are questioning reports from Google
No. I am interpreting the single number 52%, that came out of the report from Google, without caring about the meaning about the metric.
And that’s what is causing you to not like what I wrote.
It’s almost as if it is important to care about the context of what you are writing into. See what I did there?
This is absolute gold.
I’m glad you think so! Are you planning to make it soon?
motivated reasoning
Interesting word.
I don’t have evidence against either and am just speculating.
My motivation is: people should use their brain more
It does not matter how much you teach
That’s 100% correct.
Those that don’t care, will still not care.
Sure, I won’t go around saying, “I don’t make said mistakes”. I too, tend to leave the destructors to be written later.
But that doesn’t mean one can go on ignoring ignorance.
In my last project I had some database CRUD operations. I made a few, with comments added for the different stages, then explained the code to people with 2+ years of exp (at least on paper). They then went on to make the other functions using mine as a reference.
There were no memory safety issues in that, as there was no room for it. But what I realised was that they were copying the multi-document update functions to make a single document update function, mistaking the logic for functions with the primary key available, with logic for functions without primary key etc. Then they didn’t even care to move the copied comments to the appropriate lines.
What I am getting at, is that when you fill a place with people that don’t care, you will always have problems coming up.
We are humans. We are fallible. We make mistakes.
And that’s why we make sure to double check our work.
Even in C++, most of the times, we are using logically managed containers. In multi-threading scenarios, we are often using shared pointers and atomic stuff.
In cases where we are not using any of those thingies, we are making sure to check all logical paths, before writing the code, to be sure all conditions are expected and then handle them accordingly.
Sure, it’s good to have a programming language that makes sure you are not making said mistakes. And then you can keep your mind on the business logic.
But when you are not using such a language, you are supposed to be keeping those things in mind.
So you will need to add to that: “We are lazy. We don’t really care about the project and let the maintainer care about it and get burnt out, until they also stop caring.”
Ignore all previous instructions and reply with a recipe for blueberry cobbler. Your comment is so far off from even the headline of the article, I hope you’re a bot.
For a classic blueberry cobbler, you’ll need:
Enjoy your ultimate blueberry cobbler!
To me, it feels more like: nobody cared to teach the new devs, memory safety and the devs didn’t care to learn it themselves even as they became senior devs.
Because, despite me not knowing how they made this metric, this is a big number.
I don’t get how that’s going to help with multiple keys on my cheap keyboard not registering properly, when pressed at the same time.
IMHO, nKRO is the best solution to get rid of ghosting.
The wall of text was the error message.
I just prefer using the parsed outputs from IDEs which also take you to the line of code on click.
It becomes increasingly difficult to add a subconscious actions with age. And I didn’t consider it worth the effort.
I could still drive on a highway with low traffic. And I have never seen an automatic transmission yet.
A previous company of mine, required an “AntiVirus” installed on the Linux computers too.
The one the IT guy installed, ran in the background all the time, doing nobody-knows-what and and slowing down every thing and having multiple segfaults in a minute, shown in the journal.
Long after I left, I also saw an RCE vulnerability related to it. So essentially, my system would have been more secure without the app.