Screenshot doesn’t even show half.

    410 months ago

    Docker requires management and some setup. A server snap just works, it’s updated automatically and rolls back when necessary.

    It’s just a breeze. I use it for nextcloud and I’m safe for years with no maintenance from my side at all.

    • Gamey
      10 months ago

      I won’t use it myself because I don’t think it’s a good idea to give Canonical or any other company that much power and don’t think it’s centralized nature should be how such package systems work but I don’t think it’s a bad system at all! The sandboxing has it’s hurtles but it’s really good and I am a huge fan of proper sandboxing so if it works for you it’s certainly a good option!

      110 months ago

      Auto updates are not an option for anything mission critical. Every update must be tested in isolation first or you might fuck things up beyond repair.