• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
        -210 months ago

        You’re literally the one who is supporting actual overt fascists here. I love how you still haven’t even acknowledged this fact. You are utterly morally bankrupt. Maybe go do a bit of self reflection on the fact that your views perfectly align with people who tattoo themselves in swastikas.

        • @gowan@reddthat.com
          110 months ago

          You mean like the founder of The Wagner Group? He has SS logos on his neck. It’s almost as if both sides have some fascists but only Russia has one in the highest office.

          Zelensky is Jewish ffs.

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
            -310 months ago

            Last I checked the wagner group isn’t part of the Russian government, but keep on lying since that’s all you’ve been doing here this whole time. Show me a single actual Russian government official who claims to be a fascist. Meanwhile, entire Ukrainian political elite are openly fascist as well as all your nazi friends in US who support them. I’ve provided you with plenty of sources clearly showing this to be the case. Ukraine doesn’t have some fascists, it’s run by a fascist regime, and the fact that you won’t even acknowledge this says everything I need to know about you as a person. Zelensky being Jewish doesn’t mean anything. Next, thing you’ll tell me Israel isn’t a fascist apartheid state because it’s run by Jews. You are so lost.

            You are allied with literal self described fascists and you openly champion their cause.

            • @gowan@reddthat.com
              110 months ago

              They aren’t part of the government they just are regularly hired by them, are staffed at the top levels with Kremlin loyalists and carry out the Kremlin’s goals.

              Suuuure they totally aren’t Russian.

              Again Putin himself is advocating fascism and all the fascists seem allied with Russia on this issue.

              Maybe you are completely confused what fascism is? After all you are mentally deficient enough to buy into Leninism.

              • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
                -210 months ago

                They’re a PMC, and fascism isn’t the ideology of the PMC. Meanwhile, official battalions like azov are openly fascist, and fascists are part of the actual government in Ukraine. The fact that you keep trying to equate the two shows that you’re an utterly morally bankrupt liar.

                Also, nowhere does Putin advocate for fascism. Stop lying. I know what fascism is, but either you don’t or you just lie. And I’m done talking to you nazi. Bye.

                • @gowan@reddthat.com
                  110 months ago

                  They are a PMC that is trained by and acts on behalf of the Kremlin. This would be like claiming Blackwater had no ties to the USA.

                  Meanwhile Putin is a fascist and fascists everywhere from Trump to Orban are echoing Russian talking points.

                  Just because you are an authoritarian doesn’t mean you should support fascism.