The article accuses Israel of potentially committing war crimes in its conflict with Hamas, focusing on a siege on Gaza, airstrikes harming civilians, and evacuation orders. It criticizes the U.S. for not condemning Israel’s actions and emphasizes the need for diplomatic solutions. The piece argues that Israel’s approach could backfire politically and suggests that there’s no military solution to the conflict. It calls for the U.S. to exercise influence to deter such actions, asserting it’s in the interests of both the U.S. and Israel to prevent further civilian casualties and maintain regional stability.

      579 months ago

      Biden, and any US president, is pro-military industrial complex. Anything that lets them sell more weapons and increase US hegemony is what their ideology is.

      • NoneOfUrBusiness
        19 months ago

        I mean no but Biden is extra-Zionist. At least Trump blamed Netenyahu for his failure to prevent the attack.

      19 months ago

      I don’t think Biden has an ideological bone in his body. Supporting Israel is just good business. Simple as.

    • prole
      19 months ago

      Why would you single out Biden, when people in our Congress can’t even say, out loud, anything critical of Israel (no matter how valid) without facing a real risk of losing their entire political career?

      You’d only single him out if you had an agenda. Surely you don’t have an agenda, right?