Some people, communicating via satellite phones, have described the attack as the “heaviest bombardment yet,” according to independent journalist Sharif Kouddous.

“People can’t call ambulances or civil defense. We are being bombed in an unprecedented manner,” said an unidentified journalist at a Gaza hospital, according to a translation by The Nation’s Palestinian correspondent, Mohammed El-Kurd. “The sky around us just lights up [with explosions], and no one knows what’s going on.”

    278 months ago

    That’s interesting considering that Hamas is one of the closest allies of the Kremlin.

      798 months ago

      You know as well as anyone that this has NOTHING to do with Hamas.

      Their strategy of indiscriminate bombing would not be the answer if they wanted to kill Hamas only. There’s absolutely no regard for civilians here. They’re not destroying Hamas. They’re eradicating the population of Palestine. Anyone who lives will rightly join Hamas and after this, honestly I can see why.

          -298 months ago

          Hamas as an organization will no longer exist. The Israeli government has been exceptionally and adamantly clear about that

        38 months ago

        Hamas is part of the problem. Arab countries have confirmed that Hamas is stockpiling food and water and medicine for themselves.

        They don’t care about the Palestinians. If they did, those goods would be distributed.

        -58 months ago

        You know as well as anyone that this has NOTHING to do with Hamas.

        Anyone who lives will rightly join Hamas and after this, honestly I can see why.


          168 months ago

          You seem to be confused. I’ll help you understand. It’s a matter of perspective:

          For Israel, this ‘invasion’ has nothing to do with Hamas. They were just waiting for a reason to seize more land, and this was the perfect opportunity to get the international community behind them. War crime upon war crime under the pretext of defense. Calls for a ceasefire will be ignored because this is their best chance in decades to take a sizeable chunk of Gaza.

          For Hamas, the constant, near century-long murdering of innocent men, women and children is causing the survivors of those attacks to take up arms in anger and fight back. They’re not getting a proper education. A Palestinian child born in the early 2000s has already survived 5 wars by now. Hamas is their only vocation. Yes, they’re terrorists to us (sitting in our armchairs and engaging in backseat politics from the comfort of our homes), but not to the Palestinian people who seem to be “shielding” them. No one in Palestine is blind to the real terrorists, i.e. Israel.

          This is a land grab pure and simple, and Israel is prepared to dig deep.

            8 months ago

            Thanks for explaining. I thought you were saying that Hamas isn’t involved in the conflict, but you meant that Israel’s real purpose for invading Gaza is not to stomp out Hamas. Correct me if I am wrong.

              58 months ago

              but you meant that Israel’s real purpose for invading Gaza is not to stomp out Hamas.

              I mean, kind of?

              The ultimate goal is to have all of Palestine become Israel, and have no more Palestinians live here - have them die, resettle in Egypt, or have other Arabian or European nations take in the refugees. They don’t want Palestinians sharing the land, when in reality the Palestinians were forced to share their land with Israel. After this they would have a complete patch of land (formerly the whole of Palestine) belong entirely to them. That’s the goal.

              Hamas is Netenyahu’s greatest gift from Palestine. If Palestine never retaliated, no one would ever be able to justify Israel’s terrorism (raiding innocent settlements, evicting people who have lived there for 10+ generations, saying “well if I don’t steal your home, someone else will”). With Hamas as a retaliatory force, they’ve been able to convince the world through incendiary and dehumanising language that Hamas are terrorists. IDF’s recent actions have been deemed “acceptable” by the world because they are retaliating and defending themselves from a Hamas attack, not taking into account that the Hamas attack itself was a retaliation for years upon years of Israeli attacks.

              When Hamas retaliates, they can use this brand of excessive force, where they bomb entire neighborhoods for the possibility of killing some Hamas members. Somehow the world is watching on - America says Israel is allowed to continue to defend itself, when that’s clearly far beyond what they’re doing now.

              If some Hamas soldiers die in the process, then so be it! Israel definitely does not want to eliminate all of Hamas until they have all of Palestine though, since they need an enemy to make their war legit, but at the same time, it’s impossible to eliminate Hamas without Palestine, because Hamas is comprised of untrained, uneducated kids who have seen nothing but war since they were children.

        -298 months ago

        But Israel is not just randomly bombing Gaza? Hamas uses the Gaza People as a meat shield. They have taken all of Gaza hostage.

        Should Israel just let themselves get bombed by those degenerate Terrorists without attacking themselves, because Hamas has a meat shield?

        Honestly, Israel could just glass the Gaza Strip in a few days. Instead, they target specific buildings and points, even “knocking” before blowing it up, so civilians (and the terrorists) can escape. It is tragic that there are civilian casualties, but it cannot be completely avoided in this specific circumstances. Hamas desperately has their launch sites near hospitals and schools and playing fields.

        • Richard
          498 months ago

          What you are getting wrong is that they ARE “glassing” the entirety of Gaza, with almost no restraint. That is not excusable, no matter which enemy you are fighting. The thing is, they won’t be able to kill Hamas either way, it’s only a choice between less Palestinian civilian casualties and more of them

            -178 months ago

            What you are getting wrong is that they ARE “glassing” the entirety of Gaza, with almost no restraint.

            Bold claims require strong evidence.

        • TinyPizzaOP
          118 months ago

          Where is the evidence that they are not just randomly bombing? Knocking? Do they send a telegram?

          38 months ago

          They are a professional army assaulting the most densely populated area in the world. Not letting refugees pass through their lines is already a war crime. Instead they seem to be compressing the population more and blaming Hamas for having the gall to fight at all.

          You don’t get to accuse the other side of using human shields as you kettle more civilians in with them.

    • VeganPizza69 Ⓥ
      148 months ago

      Behavioral/policy similarity doesn’t necessarily imply an alliance or partnership compatibility.

    • ShroOmeric
      8 months ago

      Maybe take a look at the agreements between Russia and Israel about Sirya. Welcome to the real world btw.

      08 months ago

      Evil cunts are hypocrites?? What? Omg

      They support Hamas to keep attention off the Ukrainian invasion.

      Israel invade Palestine just as Russia do Ukraine…but somehow more inhumanely