• Flying Squid
        28 months ago

        Nope. I asked you if literally any prediction about the future will come true. Please answer the question.

          • Flying Squid
            18 months ago

            Nope. That still doesn’t answer my question. Yet again: Will literally every prediction about the future come true?

              • Flying Squid
                28 months ago

                Very suspicious that you refuse to answer a yes or no question. I’m starting to think I should report you for trolling.

                  • Flying Squid
                    28 months ago

                    Ah, I guess I missed your answer. If every prediction about the future is true, it includes all the predictions that humanity will be wiped out relatively soon, meaning that house building will never be fully automated and no one will commute by personal jetpack. But also all housing will be automated and people will commute by personal jetpack.

                    At the same time.

                    I can’t wait to see how you resolve civilization simultaneously collapsing and advancing.