• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
    -78 months ago

    That’s a nonsensical argument to be honest. Again, nobody is calling the UK Kingdom United. All the names for UK stem from the way people of UK choose to call themselves, these aren’t imposed on them from outside.

    The fact that people in the west insist on deliberately calling the party differently from the way party chooses to call itself shows an incredible amount of chauvinism.

    • Only thing brits get pissed off about is calling the UK England, because all the countries hate England including probably the English.

      I don’t see how it’s nonsensical. Makes perfect sense to me. Call the country what people know the country as. You want to call the United Kingdom, Kingdom United do it. You will obviously get raised eyebrows because you will only be the one calling it that.

      I don’t really know what more I can say.