• @Argonne@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    You are the naive one. There have been over 500K casualties in Ukraine. Way more than Gaza and will probably double by the time it’s all over

    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War#:~:text=Casualties in the Russo-Ukrainian,2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.

    The peak evil doing is bombing cities indiscriminately just like Israel is doing. Saying the worst they are doing is kidnapping is really downplaying all the war crimes that happen




    Including… Genocide

    Should I keep going?


    • @Aceticon@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      It should be clear by now that I’m in no way supporting what Russia is doing.

      My point is not that it’s not evil, it’s that it can be worse, much much worse - when the sociopaths have free reign to do what they want, the Hate + Greed motivation almost always produces something worse than Greed alone as a motivation.

      (You don’t even need to go all that much back in History to see it: look at the massacre in Rwanda)

      • @Argonne@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        That’s fine. Your original point was that “you can’t trust them even at the level of Russia” and I’m giving you proof that no, you can trust them at the level of Russia or even more, because at least they have to answer to the West while Russia just answers to Putin, Iran, NK and China.

        • @Aceticon@lemmy.world
          38 months ago

          They’re bombing UN schools and already killed over 4000 children and yet Germany just reafirmed their support for Israel whilst the US still have 2 aircraft carriers there to support them in case of need and keeps blocking with a veto any UN resolutions against the actions of Israel.

          De facto the Israeli government does not have to answer to the West, otherwise they would be getting sanctions by now just like Russia quickly got, not reafirmations of unwavering support, diplomatic coverage at the UN and military support.

          It’ss yet another interesting constrast with the Ukraine situation: the actions of Western “leaders” towards Russia for invading a neighbouring nation and murdering civilians - sanctions, which kept increasing) are in huge constrast to their actions towards Israel for occupying Palestine and their entirelly disproportionate reaction with no care for civilian human life - mild words of criticism alongside continued diplomatic and even military support in direct opposition to even their with-a-wink-and-a-not “criticism”.

          If there is one thing this has shown is that whatever drove most Western “leaders” actions and words when it came to Russia wasn’t at all humanitarian reasons, otherwise they would be acting just as hard now to stop a genocide where in 1 month civilian deads have already exceed in 2 years of civilian deaths at the hands of Russia, as they did quickly towards Russia.

          No - at least Germany, Britain, France and the US are playing the 2-weights-2-measures game and clearly they have no problem with Fascists being Fascist as long they’re “allies” and their problem with Russia was entirelly it’s geopolitical alignment, not its murdering ways.